- General
- Introduction to general issues
- Pederasty - Bruce Rind (pdf)
- The Earliest Pederast by Rossman
- Why Boy-love? by Arthur Johnson
- Pederasty amongst primates
- Hebephilia - Bruce Rind (pdf)
- Socratic Love by Voltaire, 1764
- Paederasty by Jmy. Bentham, 1785
- Pederasty by Sir Ric. Burton, 1886
- Tradtional Sea-Bathing, 1882
- Boys for Sale - Drew & Drake, 1969
- The Future of Boy Prostitution, 1969
- Afterthoughts on Boys for Sale, 1969
- Sexual Experience between Men and Boys by Rossman
- Introduction
- Dimensions of a Complex Problem
- Introduction
- How Many Pederasts Are There?
- Expanding the Definition Process
- A Continuum of Behavior Types
- Substitute Pederasty
- Paiderastia: The Tutor in Sex
- The Sports Comrade
- The Adventurer
- Sensuous Pederasty: The Sport of Kings
- Viciously Exploitive Pederasty
- Fantasy and Fetish Pederasty
- Concluding Observations
- Rings, Subcultures and the Underground
- Why Do They?
- Introduction
- Genetic Basis for Pederasty?
- Physiological Basis of Pederasty
- Oral/Anal Fixation
- Fixation at Early Adolescence
- Socially Produced Neurosis
- Seduction by Other Boys
- Fantasy Interpretation of Experience: Self-seduction
- The Seductive Lure of New Experience
- The Lure of Affection
- Lure of Erotic Pleasure
- Negative Motivation: Who Cares?
- Criminal Motivation: Rage
- Some Concluding Observations
- The Uses of History
- The Impact of Other Cultures - Introduction
- The Impact of Other Cultures - Conclusions
- The Response to Community Censure
- Impact of Conscience: Morals and Religion by Rossman
- Identity and Self-Understanding
- Definitions
- Bibliography
- On Nudity and Sexual Shame by Eduard Brongersma, 1984
- Loving Boys by Edward Brongersma
- Introduction and contents
- Author's Preface
- 1. Why Sex?
- 2. Adult Lovers
- Sexual Variety in Men
- Attraction to Children
- Boy-Love and Pseudo Boy-Love
- Boy-Love and People with Different Orientations
- History and Ethnology of Boy-Love
- Boy-Lovers in Relation to Women
- Variety in Age Preferences
- Lasting Friendships and Casual Meetings
- Absence of Reliable Research
- Personality Traits of Boy-Lovers
- Origins of Boy-Love
- The Number of Boy-Lovers
- 3. Boys & their Sexuality introduced
- 3. Physical Maturity
- 3. Psychosexual Development
- 3. The Experience of Maturation
- 3. Rites of Initiation
- 3. The Beginning of Sexual Relations
- 3. Masturbation
- 6. Sexuality and Eroticism
- Bibliography
- J. Darling in the Third World, 1980s
- Vogel, Wolf - Secret Love
- Antiquity
- Introduction to Antiquity
- Topics compiled from two or more ancient sources
- Ancient Persia
- Ancient Crete
- Ancient Sparta
- Ancient Carthage
- Ancient Rome
- Ancient Celts
- Ancient Germany
- The Metamorphosis of Kyparissos
- The Metamorphosis of Hyakinthos
- On dolphins as boy-lovers
- Solon (ca. 639-559 BC)
- Harmodios & Aristogeiton, 514 BC
- Sophokles as a boy-lover
- The death of Archelaos of Macedon
- Philip II King of the Macedonians
- Agathokles King of Sicily
- Ancient authors A-F
- Aelian
- Aristotle
- Arrian - Anabasis of Alexander
- Augustan History
- The Book of the Laws of Countries
- Cassius Dio - Roman History
- Cicero
- Curtius Rufus - Alexander the Great
- Diodoros - The Library of History
- Diogenes Laertios - Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers
- Aelian
- Ancient authors G-L
- The Greek Anthology
- Alkaios
- Antipatros of Sidon
- Asklepiades
- Dioskourides
- Leonidas of Tarentum
- Meleagros
- Plato the philosopher
- Rhianos
- Simonides
- Statilius Flaccus
- Straton
- Miscellaneous poems in The Garland of Meleagros
- Anonymous poems in The Garland of Meleagros
- Miscellaneous poems in The Garland of Philip
- Miscellaneous poems of the imperial Roman era
- Herodian - History of the Empire
- Herodotos - The Histories
- Julian - The Caesars
- Justin - Epitome of Trogus
- Kallimachos of Cyrene
- Livy - History of Rome
- Lucian
- Lucretius - On the Nature of Things
- The Greek Anthology
- Ancient authors M-P
- Martial
- On the Alexandrine War, 48-47 BC
- Ovid - Metamorphoses X 85-142
- Parthenios - Sufferings in Love
- Petronius - The Pergamese Boy
- Philon
- Plato
- Plutarch - Lives
- Plutarch - Moralia
- Polybios - The Histories
- Ancient authors R-Z
- Modern Studies
- Did the Greeks Pedicate their Loved Boys?
- Pursuit and Flight by Sir Kenneth Dover
- Fighting Cock in Greek Pederasty
- The Greek Experiment by Parker Rossman
- David and Jonathan by D. H. Mader
- The Entimos Pais of Matthew & Luke
- Boys for Sale - Ancient Times
- Roman Sex Exploitation by Rossman
- The Judeo-Christian Reaction by Parker Rossman
- Thoughts on a bowl from Pompeii
- The hidden erotic meaning of one of Straton's poems
- Europe, 5th-17th centuries
- Introduction to Europe AD 381-1662
- The Laws of the Christian Roman Emperors
- The Secret History by Prokopios
- Byzantine Poems in The Greek Anthology
- Ganymede and Hebe, 13th century
- Alcibiades the Schoolboy
- Lithgow's 19 Yeares Travayles
- The Histories by L. Chalkokondyles
- Journals of J.-J. Bouchard, 1630-32
- -- ENGLAND --
- Prisoner of the Infidels by Osmân Agha, 1691
- -- FRANCE --
- --SPAIN--
- Love of Boys in Medieval Hebrew Poetry of Spain (pdf)
- --ITALY--
- Europe, modern
- Introduction to modern Europe
- General
- Sweden
- Russia
- Bohemia
- Germany
- Introduction to modern Germany
- The Abate Bastiani by Casanova
- Sagitta's Books of the Nameless Love - John Henry Mackay
- Alfred Grünewald by C. Caunter
- Heinz Kohut and his tutor, ca. 1924-6
- Who Dares Speak of Love? 1920s-30s
- Michael Davidson in Berlin
- Dieter, a Viennese Boy on the Game
- Boys for Sale - Germany
- Norman Douglas by Mark Holloway
- Gad Beck's boyhood in Berlin, 1932-5
- Hajo Ortil - Interview
- Secret Love by Wolf Vogel
- The Netherlands
- Switzerland
- France
- Introduction to modern France
- Letters from Liselotte 1681-1720
- Boysexuals in the Bastille 1702-6
- Socratic Love by Voltaire
- The likely pederastic implication of J.-L. David's painting, The Death of Bara, by Jean-Claude Féray
- Moslem accounts of France 1803-46
- Letter on boy prostitution, Paris, 1846
- Boys for Sale - France
- Alcibiades the Schoolboy - Preface
- A Masquerade and the Penalty
- Biographical accounts
- The Journals of Gabriel Matzneff
- Portugal
- Spain
- Italy
- Introduction to modern Italy
- Life of Gian Gastone of Tuscany
- The attempted seduction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1728
- My Life by G. G. Casanova, 1725-98
- Frederick Rolfe's Venice letters
- Norman Douglas by Mark Holloway
- Looking Back by Norman Douglas
- Taormina in 1924 by Franz Schoenberner
- An American Initiated in War-Time Naples, 1943
- A Meeting of Three Like Minds in Capri, 1951
- Catania in Sicily, 1959
- Boys for Sale - Italy
- Matzneff in Italy, 1962-73
- "I Wear His Ring as Part of Him", 1966-9: a letter to Wolf Vogel
- Matzneff in Sicily, 1976
- Albania
- Greece
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Great Britain
- Introduction to Great Britain
- 1700-99
- Boarding-schools, 1800-99
- The Memoirs of a Voluptuary
- Other subjects, 1800-99
- Bettymania, 1803-06
- The hanging of James Taylor, 1809
- Sir James Brooke, 1803-68
- John Addington Symonds's Memoirs
- Was a classical education an incitement to Greek love?
- J..C. Reddie & the Margate boy, 1876
- Tradtional Sea-Bathing (1882)
- Notes on Hutchinson's Boy-Worship
- "Bosie" Douglas on his sexual self
- The Priest and the Acolyte
- The Chameleon
- Edwin Emmanuel Bradford 1860-1944
- Eton, 1900-99
- Other boarding-schools, 1900-99
- M.C. Davidson - Lancing 1908-13
- Joe Ackerley - Rossall 1908-14
- George Orwell - St. Cyprian's 1911-16
- C. S. Lewis - Malvern 1913-14
- Evelyn Waugh - Lancing 1917-21 & Arnold House (Flintshire) 1925
- N.M.V. Rothschild - Harrow 1924-29
- T.C. Worsley - Marlborough, Wellington & Gordonstoun 1925-34
- Robin Maugham - Highfield ca. 1928
- Brian Inglis - Shrewsbury 1930-35
- George Hayim - Harrow 1934-36
- Gavin Lambert - St. George's & Cheltenham 1935-39
- Simon Raven - Cordwalles 1936-39
- Brian Sewell - Haberdashers' 1942-9
- Christopher Hitchens - Mount Ho. & The Leys 1957-67
- Stephen Fry - Uppingham 1970-71
- 1910s-20s views on boy-love
- Paidikion: A Paiderastic Manuscript
- Michael Davidson, 1897-1975
- A Life with Entrances and Exits
- Richie McMullen
- Other biographical accounts, 1900-99
- Ralph Chubb: Prophet and Paiderast
- Tragedy of Sir Hector Macdonald
- Evelyn Waugh's diaries 1919-26
- Edward James, 1907-84
- Naked Civil Servant by Q. Crisp
- Flannelled Fool by T. C. Worsley
- Teardrops on My Drum (pdf)
- T. H. White 1906-64
- Alan Turing, 1912-54
- Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1900-79
- Monty's Little Swiss and Other Boys
- Benjamin Britten and David Hemmings, 1953-55
- Pederast by Angus Stewart, 1961
- The Orton Diaries
- The Twisting Lane by Tony Parker
- A Boy Scout Whistles And Smiles
- Breakfast in Brighton
- Love Worketh No Ill by Kit, 1990s
- Denmark
- Introduction to modern Denmark
- "Softness" in a Boring Field, 1744
- Crime without Victims, ca. 1943-86
- Introduction
- Bent, a typical Danish loved-boy
- When things go wrong
- Homosexuality and male identity
- A case of blackmail
- Homosexual Paedophile Relations
- Attorney M. Petersen's opinions
- Judge F. A. Wehner's opinions
- "One night ..."/ Holger, 55
- "You won't get a colour television if you don't stop seeing Niels."/ Per, 16
- "I was afraid that it could turn into abuse"/ Sus, 24
- "An incredible number of children are left to themselves"/ Erik, 42
- "I suspect he'll go with my little brother later"/ Stefan, 10
- "There was always a streak of sadomasochism in me"/ Martin, 19
- "If I had enough money I wouldn't do it"/ Peter, 14
- "I've always done what they say I shouldn't"/ Tommy, 20
- "He Understands Me Better Than My Own Mother"/ David, 16
- Africa, sub-Saharan
- Introduction to Sub-Saharan Africa
- Boy-Wives of the Azande of Sudan
- Buggery in Buganda, 1885-7
- The Mossi, by Louis Tauxier, 1912
- Unnatural Vice in the Johannesburg Compounds, 1915, by Henry Junod
- Michael Davidson in South Africa
- Good Company by Monica Wilson
- The Slave Trade Today by Sean O'Callaghan, 1961
- The Near East & North Africa
- Introduction to Nr. E. & N. Africa
- Lithgow's 19 Yeares Travayles
- A Voyage into the Levant by Henry Blount, 1636
- Thomas Baker's Journal 1677-85
- Moslem accounts of France 1803-46
- Travels in Assyria and Persia, 1815
- The Histories by L. Chalkokondyles
- The Jewel in the Lotus by Edwardes
- The age of the Loved Boy in the Arab-Islamic World
- Boys for Sale - Land of the Atlas
- The Thousand Nights and One Night
- Introduction to the 1,001 Nights
- The Tale of the Third Kalandar
- The Wazīr Nūr al-Dīn & co.
- Prince Tāj al-Mulūk
- The Tale of Kamar al-Zamān and Princess Budūr
- Happy-Handsome and Happy-Fair
- The Tale of Alā al-Dīn Abū Shāmāt
- The Tale of Zumurrud and Alī Shār
- The Poet Abū Nuwās, His Boys, and the Caliph
- The Youth and his Master
- Girls or Boys?
- Salāh al-Dīn and his Wazīr
- The Adventures of Mercury Ali of Cairo
- The Adventures of Hasan of Basrah
- The Tale of Kamar and the Expert Halīmah
- The Tale of Princess Zulaikah
- The Splendid Tale of Prince Diamond
- Short prose excerpts
- Poems
- Morocco
- Algeria
- Tunisia
- Egypt
- Turkey
- "Le Vice" in Turkey
- The Scented Garden by B. Stern
- The Decline & Fall of Byzantium
- Mehmed the Conqueror by Kritoboulos
- Ottoman Prince Jem, 1482
- George Manwaring on Turkey and Persia, 1598-9
- The Rules of Social Gatherings by Mustafa Âli
- The History of the Serrail by Michel Baudier
- The Ottoman Empire by Paul Rycaut, 1666
- The Diaries of John Covel, 1675
- 1700-
- Persia
- Introduction to Persia
- Two loves of the Sufi poet ʿIrāqī
- The poems of Obeyd-e Zakani
- George Manwaring on Turkey and Persia, 1598-9
- A Chronicle of the Carmelites in Persia, 1609-92
- Some Years Travels by Sir Thomas Herbert
- A New Account of East India and Persia by John Fryer, 1698
- The poems of Iraj Mirza
- Boys for Sale by Drew & Drake
- Other Near Eastern lands
- The Delight of Hearts by al-Tifashi
- India & Central Asia
- Introduction to India & Central Asia
- Turkistan
- Afghanistan
- Tibet
- India
- Ceylon
- The Far East
- Introduction to the Far East
- Far Eastern Siberia
- Japan
- Introduction to Japan
- Kōbō-Daishi's Book
- Kannon's Manifestation as a Youth
- The Chigo no sōshi, 14th century
- Essays in Idleness by Kenkō, 1330-32
- The Tale of Genji, ca. 1008
- Striking Contrasts in the Customs of Europe and Japan
- The stories of Ihara Saikaku
- Catalogue of the stories
- The Life of an Amorous Man
- Gengobei, The Mountain of Love
- Within the Fence
- Love Letter Sent in a Sea Bass
- Though Bearing an Umbrella, He Was Rained Upon
- Aloeswood Boy of the East
- Tortured to Death with Snow on His Sleeve
- The Sickbed No Medicine Could Cure
- He Fell in Love When the Mountain Rose Was in Bloom
- Love’s Flame Kindled by a Flint Seller
- The Tragic Love of Two Enemies
- A Friend of the Streets
- At Least He Wears His Youth's Kimono
- Far Better to Consider What She Said at the End
- A Boy's Beauty Flowers When his Forelock is Unshaven
- Letter from a Buddhist Priest ...
- The age of the loved boy in traditional Japan
- Boys for Sale - Japan
- Michael Davidson & Keibo, 1950-51
- Boy-love in Japan 1965-90
- Jong, de - Adoration of Boys, 1993
- China
- Introduction to China
- Wind by Xinyue Zhuren, 1628/44
- The Carnal Prayer Mat, 1657
- House of Gathered Refinements, 1658
- The Memoirs of the Kangxi Emperor
- Travels in China - John Barrow
- Prostitution in China by Gustaaf Schlegel, 1866
- Boy Actors in Peking by Cai heng zi
- China in Untrodden Fields of Anthropology
- Two Words on Pederasty in China - J. J. Matignon
- Georges Hérelle's testimony, 1902-3
- Boys for Sale - China
- Puyi, the last emperor, 1906-67
- Burma
- Vietnam
- Cambodia
- Siam (Thailand)
- Malaya
- Singapore
- Sumatra
- Borneo
- Java
- Bali
- The Philippines
- Oceania
- Introduction to Oceania
- The Fatal Shore by Robert Hughes
- Children of the Desert by Géza Róheim
- The Diaries of Donald Friend
- The Man They Called a Monster by Paul Wilson (pdf)
- I Came to Australia by Anty. Bacon
- The Kaluli of New Guinea, 1964-8
- The Onabasulu of New Guinea, 1970-3 (pdf)
- Papuans of the Trans-Fly by F.E. Williams, 1934
- Solomon Islands
- Stone Men of Malekula by Layard
- Greek love in Tahiti
- The Community Function of Tahitian Male Transvestitism (pdf)
- Marquesan Sexual Behavior by Robert Suggs
- The Americas
- Introduction to the Americas
- The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz
- The Native Races of the Pacific States of North America
- Greek love in French Guiana, 1870s
- The Trumaí of Brazil, 1938
- Game-Texts: A Guatemalan Journal by Erskine Lane, ca. 1973-78
- Greek love in Colombia, 1970s-80s
- Puerto Plata by L. M. Fuentes, 2005
- United States of America
- Boys for Sale by Drew & Drake
- Walt Whitman at Southold (pdf)
- Homosexuality Among Tramps
- "Jockers" and "Punks" in the early 20th-century north-western USA
- Some Uncomplicated Greek Love Affairs by J. Z. Eglinton
- Some Difficult Greek Love Affairs by J. Z. Eglinton
- Casimir Dukahz
- Sexual Experience between Men and Boys by Rossman
- Introduction
- A Tribal Society of Adolescents
- Conspiratorial Secrecy
- The Hustlers
- Some Concluding Observations
- Introduction
- Characteristics of Consenting Boys
- Types of Pederast Relationships
- Why Do Boys Do It?
- Types of Sexual Activity
- Enabling Climate: Statistics
- Attitudes Towards Arrest
- The Actual Seduction
- Some Concluding Observations
- PAUL GOODMAN, 1911-72
- The Male Adolescent Involved with a Pederast Becomes an Adult
- Other biographical accounts
- The Hobo by Nels Anderson, 1923
- "Horrible Temptations" in Ontario, 1890-1935 by Steven Maynard (pdf)
- Greenland
- Biographies
- Full List
- To read on this website
- [Anon.] - A Reminiscence of Dr. Brongersma
- [Anon.] - Jean-Claude Féray
- C., Kit - Love Worketh No Ill
- Caunter, C.
- Davis, Graham - A Boy Scout Whistles And Smiles
- Drummond, Oliver - Ralph Nicholas Chubb: Prophet and Paiderast
- Eglinton, J. Z. - Shakespeare's Boyfriend and Sonnet XX
- Fuentes, Luis Miguel - Puerto Plata
- Geschenk, Louis - The Alexandre Yersin Case
- Ireland, Wm. A. - My Life as a Boy
- Mader, D. H.
- Marlowe, E. - Ettore Masciandaro
- Marlowe, Sharpe & Mark - Farewell to the Dutchman
- Moody, Roger - Indecent Assault
- Ruis, Gerard - Caravaggio’s “Amore Teneris”
- Stewart, Angus - Pederast
- Young, P. - Learning How To Love
- Greek love extracts
- Cellini's Life by himself
- Ferdinando II Gd. Duke of Tuscany
- Gian Gascone Gd. Duke of Tuscany
- Casanova - History of My Life
- P[edroletti, Adamo] - Memoranda
- Oscar Wilde - Letters
- The Memoirs of a Voluptuary (links)
- Norman Douglas - Looking Back
- Norman Douglas by Mark Holloway
- Michael Davidson (links)
- James - Swans Reflecting Elephants
- T. H. White: A Biography
- Flannelled Fool: a slice of life in the Thirties
- Full Service: My Adventures in Hollywood and the Secret Sex Lives of the Stars
- Monty at Close Quarters
- The Orton Diaries
- Tangier: A Writer's Notebook
- Matzneff, Gabriel - Journals
- This Flaming Straitjacket, 1953-62
- In Algeria, 1959-64
- In Italy, 1962-73
- The Archangel With Cloven Hooves, 1963-64
- Venus and Juno, 1965-69
- In Tunisia, 1966
- In the land of the Soviets, 1966-67
- In Morocco, 1968
- Elijah and Phaethon, 1970-73
- An Evening in Luxor, 1971
- In Tunisia, 1972-73
- La Passion Francesca, 1974-76
- In Sicily, 1976
- In Tunisia, 1976-78
- A Gallop from Hell, 1977-78
- Burton, Peter - Parallel Lives
- PDFs: authors A-L
- Dukahz, Casimir
- Fuentes, Luis Miguel
- PDFs: authors M-Z
- Reviews: authors A-C
- Ackerley, Joe - Hindoo Holiday
- Adair, Gilbert - The Real Tadzio
- Anstruther, Ian - Oscar Browning
- Aronson, Theo - Prince Eddy and the Homosexual Underworld
- Birkin, Andrew - J.M. Barrie and the Lost Boys
- Bowers, Scotty - Full Service
- Brasas, Herrero - Walt Whitman's Mystical Ethics of Comradeship
- Bunel, J.-D. - Un deuxième père
- Chugg, A. - Alexander's Lovers
- Cleves, Rachel Hope - Unspeakable: A Life Beyond Sexual Morality
- Colantuono, Louis A. - The Trucker and the Teens
- Reviews: authors D-O
- Darling, J. - It’s Okay to Say Yes
- Davidson, Michael - The World, The Flesh and Myself
- Davidson, Michael - Sicilian Vespers and other writings
- Edmonds, Antony - Oscar Wilde's Scandalous Summer
- Holloway, Mark - Norman Douglas
- McKenna, Neil - The Secret Life of Oscar Wilde
- McMullen, R. - Enchanted Boy
- McMullen, R. - Enchanted Youth
- Nicholson, S. - A Dangerous Love
- Reviews: authors P-Z
- Other Histories
- Full List
- Chandos, John - A Demon Hovering