Most of these periodicals were illustrated, either with images related to specific articles or with boys. A few featured some nudity, but never overtly erotic images.[1]

Akademos: revue mensuelle d'art libre et de critique, 12 issues, Paris: Albert Messein, 1909-10. Founded by Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen to defend Greek love with poems, essays, lierature and debate. Illustrated.
Backside, Paris, 9+ issues, 1981-7. Edited by Harold Giroux. Essays, poetry, black-and-white photographs and sketches of adolescents.
Better Life Monthly, Beverly Hills, California, 1974-76. Advertised as a "paper with articles, photos, poems, etc. relating to the subject of boylove."
Boy Love News, Kronberg, Germany, 1973-76+. English and German versions. Edited by Johann Werres & Heinz Liehr.
The Chameleon: a Bazaar of Dangerous and Smiling Chances, London: Gay & Bird, one issue, 1894. Article. Edited by Oxford undergraduate John Francis Bloxam, a contribution by Oscar Wilde led to it becoming notorious during his trial.
Destroyer: Journal of Apollonian Beauty and Dionysian Homosexuality, Prague & Berlin: Karl Andersson, 10 issues, 2006-10. Edited by Karl Andersson. Witty and beautifully illustrated magazine dedicated to the beauty of adolescent boys and the subject of its appreciation, with some scathing exposure of the hypocrisy of 21st-century society on the subject.

Dragonfly, New York, 1975-80. Greek love poetry, literature and art, edited and illustrated by Sidney Smith.
Der Eigene (The Unique), Berlin, 1896-1932. Scholarly writings about homosexuality mostly aimed at a revival of Greek pederasty as a cultural model for it.
Gaie France Magazine, Paris, 1986-93. In French only. Edited by Michel Caignet. Illustrated monthly political and cultural magazine about male homosexuality with a markedly pederastic sensibility. .
Hermes, North Chicago, by 1976-77+. Bi-monthly magazine with articles on boy-love, illustrated with boy nudes. Edited by John D. Norman.
International Journal of Greek Love, New York: Oliver Layton Press, 2 issues, 1965-6. Edited by J. Z. Eglinton [Walter Henry Breen] and devoted mostly to the history of Greek love, no publication has ever been closer to the spirit of this website. Scholarly and well-written.
Kalos, 1 issue, Arlington, Virginia: Comitia, 1976. Edited by J. Z. Eglinton [Walter Henry Breen]. Scholarly historical, literary and political articles on Greek love.

Koinos, Amsterdam: Amikejo Foundation, 73 issues bilingual in English and German, 1993-2012. Essays on politics and art and book and film reviews on adolescent boys in general, but with emphasis on their role in Greek love. Finely-produced and illustrated in colour (with little nudity, none frontal).
The Lover: journal of sexual politics, 6 issues, Berlin: Karl Andersson, 2015-17. Successor to Destroyer: Journal of Apollonian Beauty and Dionysian Homosexuality, qv., with the same editor and similar content.
Magpie. The Journal of the Paedophile Information Exchange, at least 17 issues, London: P.I.E., 1977-82/4. First issue(s) edited by Humphrey Barton [Brian Taylor]; some later ones by Steven Adrian [Steven Adrian Smith]. News, letters and articles, which despite the title, were more concerned with Greek love than pedophilia, as were the black-and-white illustrations of clothed children, almost all pubescent boys.
Martijn, 36 issues, Amsterdam: Vereniging Martijn, 1982-86. In Dutch. Essays, letters and interviews about child/adult sexual relationships, but most focussed on Greek love, illustrated exclusively with a few black-and-white images of (clothed or censored) pubescent boys (thus underlining its essentially pederastic character). Succeeded by OK, qv.

Nambla Bulletin, 25 volumes, New York: North American Man/Boy Love Association, 1980-2005. The "voice of the North American Man Boy Love Association", dedicated to struggling for acceptance of sexually-expressed relationships between men and boys. Mostly news and polemical articles, illustrated mostly with boys (steadily improving black-and-white finally giving way to colour in 2002).
Nambla Journal, New York: North American Man/Boy Love Association, at least 7 issues, 1980-86+. Articles and poems on Greek love.
Nambla News, New York: North American Man/Boy Love Association, at least 5 issues, by 1980-81+. Newspaper-style news, mostly about Nambla members.
Nambla Topics, North American Man/Boy Love Association, 8 issues, 1995-8. Each issue was devoted to one particular topic related to Greek love.
OK, Amsterdam: Vereniging Martijn, 1986-2006, 94 issues. In Dutch. Essays, letters and interviews about child/adult sexual relationships, but most focussed on Greek love and almost exclusively illustrated with photographs of boys aged 10-14, a few of them nude.. Successor to Martijn, qv.
Paidika: The Journal of Paedophilia, Amsterdam: Stichting Paidika Foundation, 12 issues, 1987-95. A scholarly, literary and activist journal with an impressive editorial board of quite distinguished academics. Despite the secondary title, the subject matter was much closer to the primary one (the Greek for a loved, typically adolescent, boy), there being relatively little material on either true paedophilia or "girl-love". Many articles are of great historical interest, whilst others suffer from modern academic jargon.

Pan: a magazine about boy-love, Amsterdam: Spartacus, 21 issues, 1979-85. Edited by Frank Torey and John D. Stamford. News, articles, reviews and very short stories, most interesting as a contemporary history of Greek love during six critical years in which high hopes for its acceptance were finally dashed. Lavishly illustrated with black-and-white photos of pubescent boys, never nude.
Le petit gredin (The Little Rascal), Paris: Le Groupe de recherche pour une enfance différente, 10 issues numbered 0-9, 1981-7. Dedicated to the study of children's sexuality with essays news, reviews, letters and poems, lavishly illustrated with black-and-white images almost entirely of pubescent boys, a few nude, underlining pederasty as its main focus. Issues 0 to 4 were edited by Antoine Duverger, issue 5 by Gérard Bach, and the last four by Nicolas Malenfant.
Puberty Rights, New York, 2 issues, 1975. Greek love politics and art, illustrated by the editor, Sidney Smith.
The Quorum: a Magazine of Friendship, London: The British Society for the Study of Sex Psychology and the Order of Chaeronea, 1 issue, 1920. Poems, essays, short stories and a review, all on Greek love and by Uranians except for two lesbian poems. Editor unknown, probably Arthur Lee Gardner.
The Spirit Lamp: An Oxford Magazine without news, Oxford: James Thornton, 15 issues, 1892-3. Edited by Sandys Wason, Lord Alfred Douglas and John Francis Bloxam, and mostly poetry, the last issue had only a little, covert Greek love content. The use of the subtitle was irregular.
Thamyris, New York: Ariel's Pages, at least two issues, 2002-. Edited by Mike Merisi. Scholarly articles and short stories, finely produced and tastefully illustrated.
Unbound, San Francisco, at least 9 issues, 1986-89+. Greek love stories, both fictional and true, and a few articles on the treatment of children.

[1] Here meaning images showing sexual acts or sexual arousal, or drawing special attention to erogenous parts of the body.
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