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three pairs of lovers with space


The following lists are in reverse chronological order, so that the first articles to be published or to be amended are at the bottom.

"Amended" does not include the addition of links to other articles on the website, the addition or deletion of images, the correction of spelling or grammar, or minor changes in phrasing.

Articles first published or last amended in the other years of the website are listed separately: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.

Articles first published in 2020
Articles last amended in 2020

Definitions by Parker Rossman

Experience in Another Culture: A Nobel Prize-Winner’s Story (André Gide) by Parker Rossman

Puppies by John Valentine, review

Puppies by John Valentine (pdf)

Greek love in Burma

Canoe to Mandalay by R. Raven-Hart, 1939

Are There Solutions? by Parker Rossman, 1976

The Chronicles of St. Barnabas by Colin Murchison (pdf)

Can a worthy scientist be a pedophile? The Alexandre Yersin case by Louis Geschenk

The Identity and Self-understanding of Pederasts by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Cuthbert

Songs of Adieu by Lord Henry Somerset, 1889 (pdf)

Greek Love in Colombia in the 1970s-80s

A Boy's Absence by Arnold Smith, 1919 (pdf)

The impact of conscience: morals and religion by Parker Rossman

Chicago to Cheyenne by Norris Irving, 1993

The Everlasting Secret Family: An Erotic Memoir by Moorhouse, Frank (pdf)

Response to Community Censure of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

A Life with Entrances and Exits by Anthony Bacon, II. The adventures of an Off-duty Pilot 1963-80

A Life with Entrances and Exits by Anthony Bacon, I. Early Years 1937-63

Influence of the Past: An Aristocrat’s Story (Roger Peyrefitte) by Parker Rossman

Strange Catharsis by Daniel Mallery (pdf)

Response to Adolescence: An Educator’s Story (Paul Goodman, 1911-72)

The epigrams of Straton of Sardis, 2nd century AD

The Ladder Down by Parker Rossman

Rings, Subcultures and the Underground by Parker Rossman

The hidden erotic meaning of one of Straton's poems

Who dares speak of Love? by Parker Rossman

Miscellaneous Greek epigrams of the imperial Roman era

The Western Underground by Parker Rossman

Special Friendships by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)

Pederasty à la Mode by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Emile Lucien

Pederasty in the Non-Christian World by Parker Rossman

Sexual Experience between Men and Boys by Parker Rossman

Thoughts on a bowl from Pompeii

The epigrams attributed to Plato

Afterthoughts on Boys for Sale by Drew and Drake

History of Mehmed the Conqueror by Kritoboulos, 1453-55

The Judeo-Christian Reaction by Parker Rossman

The Future of Boy Prostitution by Drew & Drake, 1969

A Meeting of Three Like Minds in Capri, 1951

Roman Sex Exploitation by Parker Rossman

Greek Love in Singapore

Ancient Times in Boys for Sale

The Greek Experiment by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Antipatros of Sidon, 2nd century BC

The Earliest Pederast by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Son of Nietzsche

Introduction to the Uses of History by Parker Rossman

A Problem in Greek Ethics by John Addington Symonds, 1873 (pdf)

Some Concluding Observations on Support from Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

Conspiratorial Secrecy in Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

The Poems and Hymns of Kallimachos of Cyrene, 3rd century BC

A Tribal Society of Adolescents by Parker Rossman

Support from Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

Concluding Observations on Dimensions of a Complex Problem by Parker Rossman

Byzantine Poems in The Greek Anthology

Fantasy and Fetish Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Viciously Exploitive Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Sensuous Pederasty: The Sport of Kings by Parker Rossman

The Adventurer Type of Pederast by Parker Rossman

The epigrams attributed to Simonides of Keos, 5th to 3rd centuries BC

The Sports Comrade Type of Pederast by Parker Rossman

Paiderastia: The Tutor in Sex by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Statilius Flaccus, ca. 1st century BC

Substitute Pederasty by Parker Rossman

A Continuum of Pederastic Behavior Types by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Alkaios of Messene, ca. 200 BC

Expanding the Definition Process for Pederasts by Parker Rossman

How Many Pederasts Are There? by Parker Rossman, 1976

Introduction to Dimensions of a Complex Problem by Parker Rossman

Some Concluding Observations on Why Do They? by Parker Rossman

The Epigrams of Asklepiades, 3rd century BC

Criminal Motivation for Pederasty: Rage by Parker Rossman

Negative Motivation for Pederasty: Who Cares? by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by New York Resident

Lure of Erotic Pleasure as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Lure of Affection as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Seductive Lure of New Experience as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Fantasy Interpretation of Experience: Self-seduction as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Seduction by Other Boys as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Socially Produced Neurosis as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Fixation at Early Adolescence as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Poems of Dioskourides, 3rd century BC

Oral/Anal Fixation as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Physiological Basis of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The poems of Rhianos, 3rd century BC

Genetic Basis for Pederasty? by Parker Rossman

Introduction to Why Do They? by Parker Rossman

As Schoolboys from their Books by Mario Kochany (pdf)

Conclusions on The Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman

The Actual Seduction of Consenting Boys, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Consenting boys' attitudes towards arrest, U.S.A., 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Monty's Little Swiss Friend and Other Boys

Statistics on the Enabling Climate for Consenting Boys, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Types of Sexual Activity, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Why Do Boys Do It? 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Types of Pederast Relationships, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Introduction to The Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Gary Scott

The Characteristics of Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman, 1970s

Enchanted Youth by Richie McMullen (pdf)

In the Making: The Story of a Childhood by G. F. Green (pdf)

Solos, Duets & Improvisations by Wallington Fuger (pdf)

Something Like Happiness by Kevin Esser (pdf)

Dance of the Warriors by Kevin Esser (pdf)

Street Boy Dreams by Kevin Esser (pdf)

The Gods of Babylon by Alan Edward (pdf)

Playing Soldiers in the Dark by Stephen Dueweke (pdf)

The Fire-Worshipper by Alan Edward (pdf)

Singularities by Robert Campbell (pdf)

Nigger at Eton by Dillibe Onyeama, review

Fanny Hill by John Cleland, 1749

The Naked Civil Servant by Quentin Crisp

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Parsifal

Flaubert in Egypt, 1849-50

Memoirs of Baron de Tott, 1784

The Moulid of Sheikh Abu Harera, 1908

The Laws of the Christian Roman Emperors

The Secret History of Prokopios

Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, 1829, 1830 by Adolphus Slade

Conclusions on The Impact of Other Cultures by Parker Rossman

A Canadian in Central Asia, 1970s

An American in Lebanon by Parker Rossman

An Englishman in Syria, 1970s

An American in North Africa, ca. 1943-76

Introduction to The Impact of Other Cultures by Parker Rossman

A Frenchman in Morocco by Parker Rossman

The Splendid Tale of Prince Diamond

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Mark Andrew

The Tale of Princess Zulaikah

The Adventures of Hasan of Basrah

Short excerpts from The Thousand Nights and One Night

The Tale of Zumurrud and Alī Shār

The Tale of Happy-Handsome and Happy-Fair

The Tale of Kamar al-Zamān and Princess Budūr

The Tale of the Wazīr Nūr al-Dīn, his Brother the Wazīr Shams al-Dīn, and Hasan Badr al-Dīn

Poems in The Thousand Nights and One Night

Game-Texts: A Guatemalan Journal by Erskine Lane, ca. 1973-78

Derek the social worker, 1940s-1970s

Well-travelled Peter, ca. 1972-79

Worried Neil, England, 1970s

Active Adam, England ca. 1950-79

A Boy's Sweet Sorrow and Satisfaction by Peter Gilbert and Tom Holt (pdf)

Adam and the Paradise Garden by Peter Gilbert and Tom Holt (pdf)

The Daily Mail on Alexander's Choice

The Adventures of Mercury Ali of Cairo

The Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Aaron Hill, 1709

The History of the Serrail by Michel Baudier

The Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Paul Rycaut, 1666

The hanging of James Nehemiah Taylor, 1809

Interfemoral Intercourse by Edward Brongersma

Hand Techniques by Edward Brongersma

Sexual Activity with the Mouth by Edward Brongersma

The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz

Greek love in modern Greece

A German in Greece, ca. 1960s, by Parker Rossman

The Strange Case of Dr. Dooley, 1955

Striking Contrasts in the Customs of Europe and Japan by Luís Fróis, 1585

Kōbō-Daishi's Book, 1598

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by John Mackay

Essays in Idleness by Kenkō, 1330-32

The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, ca. 1008

Far Better to Consider What She Said at the End by Ihara Saikaku

The Chigo no sōshi, 14th century

At Least He Wears His Youth's Kimono by Ihara Saikaku

A Friend of the Streets by Ihara Saikaku

Letter from a Buddhist Priest telling his Friend that his Lover comes to him by Ihara Saikaku

The Tragic Love of Two Enemies by Ihara Saikaku

Love's Flame Kindled by a Flint Seller by Ihara Saikaku

He Fell in Love When the Mountain Rose Was in Bloom by Ihara Sakaku

The Sickbed No Medicine Could Cure by Ihara Saikaku

Aloeswood Boy of the East by Ihara Saikaku

Gengobei, The Mountain of Love by Ihara Saikaku

The stories of Ihara Saikaku

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Burnt Offerings

Another bad story: a case of blackmail: Denmark 1984-86

When things go wrong: Denmark 1986

"There was always a streak of sadomasochism in me", Denmark ca. 1980-6

Tommy: "I've always done what they say I shouldn't," Denmark ca. 1978-86

Bent, a typical Danish loved-boy

Sus: "I was afraid that it could turn into abuse", Denmark, 1980s

Erik: "An incredible number of children are left to themselves", Denmark ca. 1966-86

Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt (pdf)

Holger: "One night going home from Scouts", Denmark ca. 1944-48

Greek love in modern Denmark

The punishment of Cellini for sodomising boys

The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

William, the ruined teacher

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by John Hamilton

Definitions by Parker Rossman

Experience in Another Culture: A Nobel Prize-Winner’s Story (André Gide) by Parker Rossman

Puppies by John Valentine, review

Puppies by John Valentine (pdf)

Greek love in Burma

Canoe to Mandalay by R. Raven-Hart, 1939

Are There Solutions? by Parker Rossman, 1976

Greek love in the Philippines

The Chronicles of St. Barnabas by Colin Murchison (pdf)

Can a worthy scientist be a pedophile? The Alexandre Yersin case by Louis Geschenk

Greek love in Vietnam

The Identity and Self-understanding of Pederasts by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Cuthbert

Songs of Adieu by Lord Henry Somerset, 1889 (pdf)

Greek Love in Colombia in the 1970s-80s

A Boy's Absence by Arnold Smith, 1919 (pdf)

The impact of conscience: morals and religion by Parker Rossman

Chicago to Cheyenne by Norris Irving, 1993

The Everlasting Secret Family: An Erotic Memoir by Moorhouse, Frank (pdf)

Response to Community Censure of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

A Life with Entrances and Exits by Anthony Bacon, II. The adventures of an Off-duty Pilot 1963-80

A Life with Entrances and Exits by Anthony Bacon, I. Early Years 1937-63

Influence of the Past: An Aristocrat’s Story (Roger Peyrefitte) by Parker Rossman

Strange Catharsis by Daniel Mallery (pdf)

Response to Adolescence: An Educator’s Story (Paul Goodman, 1911-72)

The epigrams of Straton of Sardis, 2nd century AD

The Ladder Down by Parker Rossman

Rings, Subcultures and the Underground by Parker Rossman

The hidden erotic meaning of one of Straton's poems

Who dares speak of Love? by Parker Rossman

The Western Underground by Parker Rossman

Special Friendships by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)

Pederasty à la Mode by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Emile Lucien

Pederasty in the Non-Christian World by Parker Rossman

Sexual Experience between Men and Boys by Parker Rossman

Thoughts on a bowl from Pompeii

Byzantine Poems in The Greek Anthology

The epigrams attributed to Plato

Afterthoughts on Boys for Sale by Drew and Drake

History of Mehmed the Conqueror by Kritoboulos, 1453-55

The Judeo-Christian Reaction by Parker Rossman

The Future of Boy Prostitution by Drew & Drake, 1969

A Meeting of Three Like Minds in Capri, 1951

Roman Sex Exploitation by Parker Rossman

Greek Love in Singapore

Ancient Times in Boys for Sale

The Greek Experiment by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Antipatros of Sidon, 2nd century BC

The Earliest Pederast by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Son of Nietzsche

Greek love in China

Introduction to the Uses of History by Parker Rossman

India & Central Asia (History)

Africa, sub-Saharan (History)

A Problem in Greek Ethics by John Addington Symonds, 1873 (pdf)

Some Concluding Observations on Support from Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

Pederasty in ancient Crete

Conspiratorial Secrecy in Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

The Poems and Hymns of Kallimachos of Cyrene, 3rd century BC

A Tribal Society of Adolescents by Parker Rossman

Support from Adolescent Culture by Parker Rossman

Concluding Observations on Dimensions of a Complex Problem by Parker Rossman

Fantasy and Fetish Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Viciously Exploitive Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Sensuous Pederasty: The Sport of Kings by Parker Rossman

The Adventurer Type of Pederast by Parker Rossman

The Sports Comrade Type of Pederast by Parker Rossman

Paiderastia: The Tutor in Sex by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Statilius Flaccus, ca. 1st century BC

Substitute Pederasty by Parker Rossman

A Continuum of Pederastic Behavior Types by Parker Rossman

The epigrams of Alkaios of Messene, ca. 200 BC

Expanding the Definition Process for Pederasts by Parker Rossman

How Many Pederasts Are There? by Parker Rossman, 1976

Introduction to Dimensions of a Complex Problem by Parker Rossman

Some Concluding Observations on Why Do They? by Parker Rossman

The Epigrams of Asklepiades, 3rd century BC

Criminal Motivation for Pederasty: Rage by Parker Rossman

Negative Motivation for Pederasty: Who Cares? by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by New York Resident

Lure of Erotic Pleasure as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Lure of Affection as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Seductive Lure of New Experience as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Fantasy Interpretation of Experience: Self-seduction as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Seduction by Other Boys as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Socially Produced Neurosis as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Fixation at Early Adolescence as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The Poems of Dioskourides, 3rd century BC

Oral/Anal Fixation as a Cause of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

Physiological Basis of Pederasty by Parker Rossman

The poems of Rhianos, 3rd century BC

Genetic Basis for Pederasty? by Parker Rossman

Introduction to Why Do They? by Parker Rossman

As Schoolboys from their Books by Mario Kochany (pdf)

Conclusions on The Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman

The Actual Seduction of Consenting Boys, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Consenting boys' attitudes towards arrest, U.S.A., 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Monty's Little Swiss Friend and Other Boys

Statistics on the Enabling Climate for Consenting Boys, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Types of Sexual Activity, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Why Do Boys Do It? 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Types of Pederast Relationships, 1970s, by Parker Rossman

Introduction to The Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Gary Scott

The Characteristics of Consenting Boys by Parker Rossman, 1970s

Enchanted Youth by Richie McMullen (pdf)

In the Making: The Story of a Childhood by G. F. Green (pdf)

Solos, Duets & Improvisations by Wallington Fuger (pdf)

Something Like Happiness by Kevin Esser (pdf)

Dance of the Warriors by Kevin Esser (pdf)

Street Boy Dreams by Kevin Esser (pdf)

The Gods of Babylon by Alan Edward (pdf)

Playing Soldiers in the Dark by Stephen Dueweke (pdf)

The Fire-Worshipper by Alan Edward (pdf)

Singularities by Robert Campbell (pdf)

Nigger at Eton by Dillibe Onyeama, review

Fanny Hill by John Cleland, 1749

The Naked Civil Servant by Quentin Crisp

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Parsifal

Flaubert in Egypt, 1849-50

Memoirs of Baron de Tott, 1784

The Moulid of Sheikh Abu Harera, 1908

Michael Davidson's loves in French Morocco, 1937-40 and 1947

The Laws of the Christian Roman Emperors

The Secret History of Prokopios

Sir James Brooke, 1803-68

Records of Travels in Turkey, Greece, 1829, 1830 by Adolphus Slade

Conclusions on The Impact of Other Cultures by Parker Rossman

A Canadian in Central Asia, 1970s

An American in Lebanon by Parker Rossman

An Englishman in Syria, 1970s

An American in North Africa, ca. 1943-76

Introduction to The Impact of Other Cultures by Parker Rossman

A Frenchman in Morocco by Parker Rossman

The Splendid Tale of Prince Diamond

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Mark Andrew

The Tale of Princess Zulaikah

The Adventures of Hasan of Basrah

Short excerpts from The Thousand Nights and One Night

The Tale of Zumurrud and Alī Shār

The Tale of the Third Kalandar

The Tale of Kamar al-Zamān and Princess Budūr

The Tale of Happy-Handsome and Happy-Fair

The Tale of the Wazīr Nūr al-Dīn, his Brother the Wazīr Shams al-Dīn, and Hasan Badr al-Dīn

Poems in The Thousand Nights and One Night

Game-Texts: A Guatemalan Journal by Erskine Lane, ca. 1973-78

Derek the social worker, 1940s-1970s

Well-travelled Peter, ca. 1972-79

Worried Neil, England, 1970s

Active Adam, England ca. 1950-79

The Thousand Nights and One Night

The Tale of Kamar and the Expert Halīmah

A Boy's Sweet Sorrow and Satisfaction by Peter Gilbert and Tom Holt (pdf)

Adam and the Paradise Garden by Peter Gilbert and Tom Holt (pdf)

The Daily Mail on Alexander's Choice

The Adventures of Mercury Ali of Cairo

Girls or Boys?

The Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Aaron Hill, 1709

The History of the Serrail by Michel Baudier

The Present State of the Ottoman Empire by Paul Rycaut, 1666

The hanging of James Nehemiah Taylor, 1809

Interfemoral Intercourse by Edward Brongersma

Hand Techniques by Edward Brongersma

Sexual Activity with the Mouth by Edward Brongersma

The Conquest of New Spain by Bernal Díaz

A German in Greece, ca. 1960s, by Parker Rossman

The Strange Case of Dr. Dooley, 1955

Striking Contrasts in the Customs of Europe and Japan by Luís Fróis, 1585

Kōbō-Daishi's Book, 1598

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by John Mackay

Essays in Idleness by Kenkō, 1330-32

The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu, ca. 1008

Far Better to Consider What She Said at the End by Ihara Saikaku

The Chigo no sōshi, 14th century

At Least He Wears His Youth's Kimono by Ihara Saikaku

A Friend of the Streets by Ihara Saikaku

Letter from a Buddhist Priest telling his Friend that his Lover comes to him by Ihara Saikaku

The Tragic Love of Two Enemies by Ihara Saikaku

Love's Flame Kindled by a Flint Seller by Ihara Saikaku

He Fell in Love When the Mountain Rose Was in Bloom by Ihara Sakaku

The Sickbed No Medicine Could Cure by Ihara Saikaku

Aloeswood Boy of the East by Ihara Saikaku

Gengobei, The Mountain of Love by Ihara Saikaku

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by Burnt Offerings

Another bad story: a case of blackmail: Denmark 1984-86

When things go wrong: Denmark 1986

"There was always a streak of sadomasochism in me", Denmark, ca. 1980-6

Tommy: "I've always done what they say I shouldn't," Denmark ca. 1978-86

Bent, a typical Danish loved-boy

Saikaku, The Life of an Amorous Man, 17th century

Sus: "I was afraid that it could turn into abuse", Denmark, 1980s

Erik: "An incredible number of children are left to themselves", Denmark ca. 1966-86

Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt (pdf)

Holger: "One night going home from Scouts", Denmark ca. 1944-48

Greek love in modern Denmark

Europe, 5th-17th centuries (History)

The punishment of Cellini for sodomising boys

The autobiography of Benvenuto Cellini

William, the ruined teacher

Marlowe's Alexander's Choice: review by John Hamilton



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