The Book of Beautiful Boys by Fazil Bey and the Pasha with Three Tails, review
The Assassination of Archelaus and the Significance of the Macedonian Royal Hunt by William Greenwalt (pdf)
Caravaggio’s “Amor Terreno” by Gerard Ruis
Epigrams: Book III by Martial
'The News, 2005' by B. J. Freedman in The Eleventh Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Beginning of Sexual Relations by Edward Brongersma
Epigrams: Book II by Martial
The Moving Picture Boy Archive
Epigrams: Book I by Martial
Reseda by Alfred Grünewald, review
The Eleventh Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Apophoreta by Martial
A Life in the Service of Singing Beauty: Alfred Grünewald by C. Caunter
'Serrana Bay' by Jotham Lotring in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Adoration of Boys in Japan by Peter de Jong, 1993
Politics by Aristotle
Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi, review
Rites of Initiation: in Western Society by Edward Brongersma
The Xenia by Martial
'Runaway' by B. J. Freedman in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Delight of Hearts by Ahmad al-Tifashi
On Dolphins as Boy-lovers
Diary of an Angel by Saint Ours (pdf)
Rites of Initiation: Circumcision by Edward Brongersma
Cassius Dio's Roman History: to 31 BC
P14 by Friedrich Kröhnke, review
Shakespeare's Boy by Casimir Dukahz (pdf)
The Library of History by Diodoros of Sicily
Rites of Initiation in Ethnology by Edward Brongersma
Parallel Lives by Peter Burton
The death of Archelaos of Macedon, 399 BC
Ettore Masciandaro (1936-2014) by Edmund Marlowe
Pederasty amongst the ancient Celts
'Niko' by I. L. Ingles in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Histories by Herodotos
Edmund Marlowe's Alexander's Choice reviewed by QX magazine
Le Baiser de Narcisse par Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen (pdf in French)
Justin's Epitome of The Philippic Histories of Pompeius Trogus
Persecuted Minority by Frits Bernard (pdf)
Puerto Plata by Luis Miguel Fuentes
Vacher l'éventreur et les crimes sadiques (Vacher the Ripper and Sadistic Crimes) par Alexandre Lacassagne (pdf in French)
Philip II (382-336 BC) King of the Macedonians
'The Big Payback' by Luis Miguel Fuentes in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: The Bloom of Youth by Edward Brongersma
Le Vice Marin: Confessions d'un Matelot par Jean Bosc (pdf in French)
On the Nature of Things by Lucretius
Frère Jacques: A Shrine To Love And Sorrow. Jacques d’Adelswärd-Fersen (1880-1923) by Will H. L. Ogrinc (pdf)
Tarou by Robin Maugham
Amour (Love): poèmes de Jacques d'Adelswaerd-Fersen (pdf in French)
The Histories by Polybios
'The Trouble with Michael' by Godefroy Davidovitch in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Orgasm by Edward Brongersma
Hûbannâme (The Book of Beautiful Boys) by "Enderunlu" Fazil Bey (pdf in Ottoman Turkish)
Agathokles (ca. 361-289 BC), King of Sicily
Testament: Cairo 1898 by Robin Maugham (pdf)
A Bird in Hand by Kevin Esser
On the increased interest of young Roman men in pretty boys, 167-161 BC
'Mr. Big' by Charles Graham in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Ejaculations and Wet Dreams by Edward Brongersma
Roman History by Livy
Sexual life in ancient Greece by Hans Licht (pdf)
Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt, 2nd review
An Invective against Sallust by Pseudo-Cicero
'Empathies' by Alan Edward in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Erections by Edward Brongersma
The War with Catiline by Sallust
Élève libre (2008), film review
Sootface by Daniel Bardet and illustrated by François Dermant
Parking Lots, French Fries and Changes by W. Edwards
Pederasty amongst the ancient Carthaginians
The Marine Vice: Confessions of a Sailor by Jean Bosc (pdf)
Livy on the outrage by Papirius in 326/5 BC
The Experience of Maturation: Penis Size by Edward Brongersma
Boyhood and Adolescence, Ephebophilia, Hebephilia, and Paedophilia: A Selective Bibliography by Will H. L. Ogrinc (pdf)
Boy by James Hanley, review
The Aeneid by Virgil
'Ephebes' by B. J. Freedman in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Importance of Puberty by Edward Brongersma
Plutarch's Life of Sulla
'Desmond and Joey' by Jotham Lotring in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Elements of Cognition by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 12-end
'Camp Diary' by I. L. Ingles in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Ejaculation by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 10-11
'Peepers" by E. C. Louis in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Growth of Genitals by Edward Brongersma
The Tenth Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 4-9
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertios
'Sand and Honey' by Christopher Monteriano in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Introduction to Boys and their Sexuality by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 1-3
'Not Again' by Mark Derby in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Sadler's Birthday by Rose Tremain, review
The Marine Vice, Confessions of a Seaman by Jean Bosc, review
Indecent Assault by Roger Moody
Kings in Disguise by James Vance and Dan Burr
'Coco' by Luis Miguel Fuentes in Thamyris, issue 2 (pdf)
'Rabin' by I. L. Ingles in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
A Gallop from Hell: Journal 1977-78 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Hobo: the Sociology of the Homeless Man by Nels Anderson, 1923
'One Hell of an Angel' by Paidrig MagUidhir in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1976-8
The Memoirs of Pierre de l'Estoile, 1576-1611
The Mail Boat by Alexander Randolph (pdf)
Matzneff in Sicily, 1976
The Number of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
I Want to Fuck You by P.-P. Hartnett (pdf)
La Passion Francesca: Journal 1974-76 by Gabriel Matzneff
Bibliography to Vogel's Secret Love
We were Not abused! by David L. Riegel (pdf)
Love Worketh No Ill, 1990s, by Kit
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1972-3
Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers by David L. Riegel (pdf)
"I Wear His Ring as Part of Him", 1966-9: a letter to Wolf Vogel
Elijah and Phaethon: Journal 1970-73 by Gabriel Matzneff
Could they ALL have been WRONG? by David L. Riegel (pdf)
From Boy-Love to Friendship Between Men by Wolf Vogel
An Evening in Luxor, 1971 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Juvenile Homosexual Experience by Robert Ollendorff (pdf)
Sexual Morality is Anti-Child by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Morocco, 1968
Phallós. A Symbol and its History in the Male World by Thorkil Vanggaard (pdf)
"In the Bar I Gave Him a Kiss" by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1966
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (pdf)
"Youth Sexuality in Tension Between Desire and Dread" by Wolf Vogel
Venus and Juno: Journal 1965-69 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Counterfeiters by André Gide (pdf)
"We Made Love Just Like Everyone Does" by Wolf Vogel
Attitudes to Sex With Willing Pubescents in Eighteenth-Century Europe by Edmund Marlowe
Lord Dismiss Us by Michael Campbell (pdf)
The Archangel With Cloven Hooves: Journal 1963-64 by Gabriel Matzneff
Origins of Boy-Love by Edward Brongersma
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (pdf)
"He's My Son's Best Friend" by Wolf Vogel
The Prince of Francavilla and his Catamites, 1770 by Giacomo Casanova
The Bisley Boy by Chris Hunt (pdf)
Outsider always almost: never quite by Brian Sewell
The Abate Bastiani by Giacomo Casanova
Two People by Donald Windham (pdf)
Child Sexuality and the Law by Edward Brongersma
Matzneff in Italy, 1962-73
Casanova in Russia, 1764-5
A Dutchwoman on her son's affair with an older boy, 1990s
Marcus and Me by Jay Edson (pdf)
Tribes of the Rif by Carleton S. Coon, 1931
On men's attraction to castrati, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Third: The Heavenly Wisdom and Conclusion by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Second: The Uranian Eros by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1930
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the First: The Boy-Lover by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
Letters to Wolf Vogel
Clean and Good by Victor Dodson, 1968 (pdf)
The Corticelli Boy, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
"Children Choose Their Own Relationships" by Wolf Vogel
The Immoralist by André Gide (pdf)
Casanova, the "castrato" and her little sisters, 1744
"We've Asked Them to Be Careful" by Wolf Vogel
A Natural Lizard Activity by B. J. Freedman (pdf)
History of My Life by Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt
Winckelmann surprised in the act by Casanova, 1761
Koan by Jay Edson (pdf)
Personality Traits of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
For a Lost Soldier by Rudi van Dantzig (pdf)
'Night Ride' by Jotham Lotring in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
"The Parents Are Clueless" by Wolf Vogel
A Good Start, Considering by Peter Ryde (pdf)
'Casper' by Edward Bangor in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Greek love in modern Ireland
Jack and Jamie Go to War by Jack Robinson (pdf)
The Sins of the Cities of the Plains, or The Recollections of a Mary-Ann by Jack Saul, 1881
Greek love in Siam
Oceania (History)
The Book of Beautiful Boys by Fazil Bey and the Pasha with Three Tails, review
The Assassination of Archelaus and the Significance of the Macedonian Royal Hunt by William Greenwalt (pdf)
Caravaggio’s “Amor Terreno” by Gerard Ruis
Epigrams: Book III by Martial
'The News, 2005' by B. J. Freedman in The Eleventh Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Beginning of Sexual Relations by Edward Brongersma
Epigrams: Book II by Martial
The Moving Picture Boy Archive
Epigrams: Book I by Martial
Reseda by Alfred Grünewald, review
The Eleventh Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Symposium by Plato
The Apophoreta by Martial
Greek love in modern Germany
A Life in the Service of Singing Beauty: Alfred Grünewald by C. Caunter
'Serrana Bay' by Jotham Lotring in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Greek love in Japan
Adoration of Boys in Japan by Peter de Jong, 1993
Politics by Aristotle
Dancing with Finn by Frank Demelzi, review
Rites of Initiation: in Western Society by Edward Brongersma
The Xenia by Martial
'Runaway' by B. J. Freedman in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Delight of Hearts by Ahmad al-Tifashi
On Dolphins as Boy-lovers
Diary of an Angel by Saint Ours (pdf)
Solon (ca. 639-559 BC)
Harmodios and Aristogeiton, 514 BC
Rites of Initiation: Circumcision by Edward Brongersma
Cassius Dio's Roman History: to 31 BC
P14 by Friedrich Kröhnke, review
Shakespeare's Boy by Casimir Dukahz (pdf)
The Library of History by Diodoros of Sicily
Rites of Initiation in Ethnology by Edward Brongersma
Parallel Lives by Peter Burton
The death of Archelaos of Macedon, 399 BC
Plutarch's Life of Pelopidas
Pederasty amongst the ancient Carthaginians
Ettore Masciandaro (1936-2014) by Edmund Marlowe
Films depicting Greek love
Pederasty amongst the ancient Celts
'Niko' by I. L. Ingles in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Histories by Herodotos
Edmund Marlowe's Alexander's Choice reviewed by QX magazine
Le Baiser de Narcisse par Jacques d'Adelswärd-Fersen (pdf in French)
Justin's Epitome of The Philippic Histories of Pompeius Trogus
Persecuted Minority by Frits Bernard (pdf)
Puerto Plata by Luis Miguel Fuentes
Vacher l'éventreur et les crimes sadiques (Vacher the Ripper and Sadistic Crimes) par Alexandre Lacassagne (pdf in French)
Philip II (382-336 BC) King of the Macedonians
'The Big Payback' by Luis Miguel Fuentes in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: The Bloom of Youth by Edward Brongersma
Le Vice Marin: Confessions d'un Matelot par Jean Bosc (pdf in French)
On the Nature of Things by Lucretius
Frère Jacques: A Shrine To Love And Sorrow. Jacques d’Adelswärd-Fersen (1880-1923) by Will H. L. Ogrinc (pdf)
Tarou by Robin Maugham
Amour (Love): poèmes de Jacques d'Adelswaerd-Fersen (pdf in French)
The Histories by Polybios
'The Trouble with Michael' by Godefroy Davidovitch in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Orgasm by Edward Brongersma
Hûbannâme (The Book of Beautiful Boys) by "Enderunlu" Fazil Bey (pdf in Ottoman Turkish)
Agathokles (ca. 361-289 BC), King of Sicily
Testament: Cairo 1898 by Robin Maugham (pdf)
A Bird in Hand by Kevin Esser
On the increased interest of young Roman men in pretty boys, 167-161 BC
'Mr. Big' by Charles Graham in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Ejaculations and Wet Dreams by Edward Brongersma
Roman History by Livy
Sexual life in ancient Greece by Hans Licht (pdf)
Kim, My Beloved by Jens Eisenhardt, 2nd review
Livy on the outrage by Papirius in 326/5 BC
An Invective against Sallust by Pseudo-Cicero
'Empathies' by Alan Edward in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Erections by Edward Brongersma
Antiquity (History)
The War with Catiline by Sallust
Élève libre (2008), film review
Sootface by Daniel Bardet and illustrated by François Dermant
Parking Lots, French Fries and Changes by W. Edwards
The Marine Vice: Confessions of a Sailor by Jean Bosc (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Penis Size by Edward Brongersma
Boyhood and Adolescence, Ephebophilia, Hebephilia, and Paedophilia: A Selective Bibliography by Will H. L. Ogrinc (pdf)
Boy by James Hanley, review
The Aeneid by Virgil
'Ephebes' by B. J. Freedman in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Importance of Puberty by Edward Brongersma
Plutarch's Life of Sulla
'Desmond and Joey' by Jotham Lotring in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Elements of Cognition by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 12-end
'Camp Diary' by I. L. Ingles in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Ejaculation by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 10-11
'Peepers" by E. C. Louis in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Growth of Genitals by Edward Brongersma
The Tenth Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 4-9
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertios
'Sand and Honey' by Christopher Monteriano in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Introduction to Boys and their Sexuality by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 1-3
'Not Again' by Mark Derby in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Sadler's Birthday by Rose Tremain, review
The Marine Vice, Confessions of a Seaman by Jean Bosc, review
Indecent Assault by Roger Moody
Kings in Disguise by James Vance and Dan Burr
'Coco' by Luis Miguel Fuentes in Thamyris, issue 2 (pdf)
'Rabin' by I. L. Ingles in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
A Gallop from Hell: Journal 1977-78 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Hobo: the Sociology of the Homeless Man by Nels Anderson, 1923
'One Hell of an Angel' by Paidrig MagUidhir in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1976-8
The Memoirs of Pierre de l'Estoile, 1576-1611
The Mail Boat by Alexander Randolph (pdf)
Matzneff in Sicily, 1976
The Number of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
I Want to Fuck You by P.-P. Hartnett (pdf)
La Passion Francesca: Journal 1974-76 by Gabriel Matzneff
Bibliography to Vogel's Secret Love
We were Not abused! by David L. Riegel (pdf)
Love Worketh No Ill, 1990s, by Kit
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1972-3
Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers by David L. Riegel (pdf)
"I Wear His Ring as Part of Him", 1966-9: a letter to Wolf Vogel
Elijah and Phaethon: Journal 1970-73 by Gabriel Matzneff
Could they ALL have been WRONG? by David L. Riegel (pdf)
From Boy-Love to Friendship Between Men by Wolf Vogel
An Evening in Luxor, 1971 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Juvenile Homosexual Experience by Robert Ollendorff (pdf)
Sexual Morality is Anti-Child by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Morocco, 1968
Phallós. A Symbol and its History in the Male World by Thorkil Vanggaard (pdf)
"In the Bar I Gave Him a Kiss" by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1966
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (pdf)
"Youth Sexuality in Tension Between Desire and Dread" by Wolf Vogel
Venus and Juno: Journal 1965-69 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Counterfeiters by André Gide (pdf)
"We Made Love Just Like Everyone Does" by Wolf Vogel
Attitudes to Sex With Willing Pubescents in Eighteenth-Century Europe by Edmund Marlowe
Lord Dismiss Us by Michael Campbell (pdf)
The Archangel With Cloven Hooves: Journal 1963-64 by Gabriel Matzneff
Origins of Boy-Love by Edward Brongersma
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (pdf)
"He's My Son's Best Friend" by Wolf Vogel
The Prince of Francavilla and his Catamites, 1770 by Giacomo Casanova
The Bisley Boy by Chris Hunt (pdf)
Outsider always almost: never quite by Brian Sewell
The Abate Bastiani by Giacomo Casanova
Two People by Donald Windham (pdf)
Child Sexuality and the Law by Edward Brongersma
Matzneff in Italy, 1962-73
Casanova in Russia, 1764-5
A Dutchwoman on her son's affair with an older boy, 1990s
Marcus and Me by Jay Edson (pdf)
Tribes of the Rif by Carleton S. Coon, 1931
On men's attraction to castrati, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Third: The Heavenly Wisdom and Conclusion by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Second: The Uranian Eros by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1930
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the First: The Boy-Lover by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
Letters to Wolf Vogel
Clean and Good by Victor Dodson, 1968 (pdf)
The Corticelli Boy, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
"Children Choose Their Own Relationships" by Wolf Vogel
The Immoralist by André Gide (pdf)
Casanova, the "castrato" and her little sisters, 1744
"We've Asked Them to Be Careful" by Wolf Vogel
A Natural Lizard Activity by B. J. Freedman (pdf)
History of My Life by Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt
Winckelmann surprised in the act by Casanova, 1761
Koan by Jay Edson (pdf)
Personality Traits of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
For a Lost Soldier by Rudi van Dantzig (pdf)
'Night Ride' by Jotham Lotring in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
"The Parents Are Clueless" by Wolf Vogel
A Good Start, Considering by Peter Ryde (pdf)
'Casper' by Edward Bangor in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Greek love in modern Ireland
Jack and Jamie Go to War by Jack Robinson (pdf)
The Sins of the Cities of the Plains, or The Recollections of a Mary-Ann by Jack Saul, 1881
Greek love amongst the ancient Car-thaginians
The Marine Vice: Confessions of a Sailor by Jean Bosc (pdf)
The Experience of Maturation: Penis Size by Edward Brongersma
Boyhood and Adolescence, Ephebophilia, Hebephilia, and Paedophilia: A Selective Bibliography by Will H. L. Ogrinc (pdf)
Boy by James Hanley, review
The Aeneid by Virgil
The marine vice, confessions of a seaman by Jean Bosc, review
'Ephebes' by B. J. Freedman in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Importance of Puberty by Edward Brongersma
Plutarch's Life of Sulla
'Desmond and Joey' by Jotham Lotring in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Psychosexual Development: Elements of Cognition by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 12-end
'Camp Diary' by I. L. Ingles in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Ejaculation by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 10-11
'Peepers" by E. C. Louis in The Tenth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Physical Maturity: Growth of Genitals by Edward Brongersma
The Tenth Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 4-9
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers by Diogenes Laertios
'Sand and Honey' by Christopher Monteriano in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Introduction to Boys and their Sexuality by Edward Brongersma
The Baron von Gloeden by Roger Peyrefitte, Chapters 1-3
'Not Again' by Mark Derby in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Sadler's Birthday by Rose Tremain, review
Indecent Assault by Roger Moody
Kings in Disguise by James Vance and Dan Burr
'Coco' by Luis Miguel Fuentes in Thamyris, issue 2 (pdf)
'Rabin' by I. L. Ingles in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
A Gallop from Hell: Journal 1977-78 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Hobo: the Sociology of the Homeless Man by Nels Anderson, 1923
'One Hell of an Angel' by Paidrig MagUidhir in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1976-8
The Memoirs of Pierre de l'Estoile, 1576-1611
The Mail Boat by Alexander Randolph (pdf)
Matzneff in Sicily, 1976
The Number of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
I Want to Fuck You by P.-P. Hartnett (pdf)
La Passion Francesca: Journal 1974-76 by Gabriel Matzneff
Bibliography to Vogel's Secret Love
We were Not abused! by David L. Riegel (pdf)
Love Worketh No Ill, 1990s, by Kit
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1972-3
Understanding Loved Boys and Boylovers by David L. Riegel (pdf)
"I Wear His Ring as Part of Him", 1966-9: a letter to Wolf Vogel
Elijah and Phaethon: Journal 1970-73 by Gabriel Matzneff
Could they ALL have been WRONG? by David L. Riegel (pdf)
From Boy-Love to Friendship Between Men by Wolf Vogel
An Evening in Luxor, 1971 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Juvenile Homosexual Experience by Robert Ollendorff (pdf)
Sexual Morality is Anti-Child by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Morocco, 1968
Phallós. A Symbol and its History in the Male World by Thorkil Vanggaard (pdf)
"In the Bar I Gave Him a Kiss" by Wolf Vogel
Matzneff in Tunisia, 1966
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann (pdf)
"Youth Sexuality in Tension Between Desire and Dread" by Wolf Vogel
Venus and Juno: Journal 1965-69 by Gabriel Matzneff
The Counterfeiters by André Gide (pdf)
"We Made Love Just Like Everyone Does" by Wolf Vogel
Attitudes to Sex With Willing Pubescents in Eighteenth-Century Europe by Edmund Marlowe
Lord Dismiss Us by Michael Campbell (pdf)
The Archangel With Cloven Hooves: Journal 1963-64 by Gabriel Matzneff
Origins of Boy-Love by Edward Brongersma
The Turn of the Screw by Henry James (pdf)
"He's My Son's Best Friend" by Wolf Vogel
The Prince of Francavilla and his Catamites, 1770 by Giacomo Casanova
The Bisley Boy by Chris Hunt (pdf)
Outsider always almost: never quite by Brian Sewell
The Abate Bastiani by Giacomo Casanova
Two People by Donald Windham (pdf)
Child Sexuality and the Law by Edward Brongersma
Matzneff in Italy, 1962-73
This Flaming Straitjacket: Journal 1953-62 by Gabriel Matzneff
Casanova in Russia, 1764-5
A Dutchwoman on her son's affair with an older boy, 1990s
Marcus and Me by Jay Edson (pdf)
Tribes of the Rif by Carleton S. Coon, 1931
On men's attraction to castrati, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
Greek love in modern Greece
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Third: The Heavenly Wisdom and Conclusion by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the Second: The Uranian Eros by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1930
A Defence of Uranian Love. Part the First: The Boy-Lover by Arthur Lyon Raile, 1928
Letters to Wolf Vogel
Clean and Good by Victor Dodson, 1968 (pdf)
The Corticelli Boy, 1761 by Giacomo Casanova
"Children Choose Their Own Relationships" by Wolf Vogel
The Immoralist by André Gide (pdf)
Casanova, the "castrato" and her little sisters, 1744
Matzneff in Algeria, 1959-64
"We've Asked Them to Be Careful" by Wolf Vogel
A Natural Lizard Activity by B. J. Freedman (pdf)
History of My Life by Giacomo Casanova de Seingalt
Winckelmann surprised in the act by Casanova, 1761
Koan by Jay Edson (pdf)
Personality Traits of Boy-Lovers by Edward Brongersma
For a Lost Soldier by Rudi van Dantzig (pdf)
'Night Ride' by Jotham Lotring in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
"The Parents Are Clueless" by Wolf Vogel
A Good Start, Considering by Peter Ryde (pdf)
Greek love in modern Sweden
'Casper' by Edward Bangor in The Ninth Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Greek love in modern Ireland
Jack and Jamie Go to War by Jack Robinson (pdf)
The Sins of the Cities of the Plains, or The Recollections of a Mary-Ann by Jack Saul, 1881
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