'Minority reports' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Klaustrophilia" by Casimir Dukahz in Panthology One (pdf)
The Third Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1900-79
'Boys for hire (easy terms)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman)
"Toy Soldiers" by Jared Bunda in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Letters to The Editor
Guter Junge (2008), film review
'The A word cometh' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Scruples" by Robert Campbell in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Trumaí of Brazil, 1938
La Révolte des enfants (1992), Asher Archive
Mountain Gorillas, 1987
"Angelos" by Bob Henderson in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The Watershed of "Innocence" ' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Book of the Laws of Countries, late 2nd century AD
"Blackmail" by Frank Turner in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'I am the love that dare not speak its name (though you howl it back at me)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Tres Flores" by Hakim Bey in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Japanese Macaques by Leca et al., 2014
Prisoner of the Infidels by Osmân Agha, 1691
'The Thumbscrews they are a-Turning' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf!'" by Casimir Dukahz in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes by Solomon Zuckerman, 1932
Tennessee Williams and his fifteen-year-old Ganymede, 1943
'Burnt little fingers' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Sexual Behavior of Free Ranging Rhesus Monkeys by C.R. Carpenter, 1942
"The Great Kuddly Kub Plan" by Louis Walter Woods in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Topography of Algiers by Antonio de Sosa, ca. 1580
'Amoral friendship - the vicissitudes of war' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Self-assembly boys' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Timber Thieves" by Peter de Rast in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Evensong and Morwe Song by Charles Scott Moncrieff, 1908
'Human cats, dwarfs, imaginary friends' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Haunted Mind by Hallam Tennyson
"Dangerous Boys" by Kevin Esser in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Second Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
Good company: a study of the Nyakyusa age-villages by Monica Wilson
'Follow Me, Boys!' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'A friend in need' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Journal of Thomas Baker, English Consul in Tripoli, 1677-85
"The Dying of the Light" by Kevin Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Teachers who are very fond ...' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Rules of Social Gatherings by Mustafa Âli, 1599-1600
"Rodney" by Robert Campbell in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The cane in the cupboard' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Unnatural Vice in the Johannesburg Compounds, 1915, by Henry Junod
"Pericles" by Bob Henderson in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The "pseudo" boy in commercial movies' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Taormina in 1924 by Franz Schoenberner
"Cheating at School" by Steven Wood in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Footloose and fancy free' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Jealousy of the hired hand' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Pederasty amongst rhesus macaques by Edward J. Kempf, 1917
The Travels of Lord Charlemont in Greece and Turkey, 1749
"One September Day" by Kevin Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The road has many turnings' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Contemporary press reviews of Michael Davidson's The World, The Flesh and Myself, 1962
"A Matter of Public Morality" by Matt Lewis in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Cuckoos in the Nest' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Hindu Kush 1959 by Fosco Maraini
Our Love by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)
"Ball Games" by K. I. Bard in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Men in boys' bodies - and Vice versa' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Sons and their fathers — for better or worse' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Amethyst Encounter" by Casimir Dukahz in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
"Sandburg Buccaneers" by Keven Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The outcast who does win the boy' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Pederasty amongst monkeys by G.V. Hamilton
"Floreat Grundy" by Simon Tryst in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Bachelor fathers (it wouldn’t do to encourage it)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The Western as playground (Girls Keep Out!)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The First Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
"A Prospect of Bliss" by John Bishop in Panthology Four (pdf)
"Sweet Sorrow" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Four (pdf)
Telo bez duse (1996), Asher Archive
Le souffle au coeur (1971), Asher Archive
Smukke dreng (1993), Asher Archive
Satyricon (1969), Asher Archive
¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? (1984), Asher Archive
Public Enemy No. 1 – The Man Who Killed a Hundred Boys (2001), Asher Archive
Pianese Nunzio, 14 anni a maggio (1996), Asher Archive
Now That It's Morning (1992), Asher Archive
Montreal Main (1974), Asher Archive
Mandragora (1997), Asher Archive
Gad Beck's Jewish Boyhood in Berlin, 1932-35
'Boys on the bounding main' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The child as catastrophic friend' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Desperadoes and their fellow travelers' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Sammy and my Bishop" by Brock Andrews in Panthology Four (pdf)
"Lower Than the Angels" by Keith Spence in Panthology Four (pdf)
Lakki – gutten som kunne fly (1992), Asher Archive
The Filipino Experience, 1982
'Kid sidekicks do have their uses' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The King of Calcutta" by Peter de Rast in Panthology Four (pdf)
'Friendly no more' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The three loves of boyhood' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Invisible boys in period films' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Book of Moth" by Jared Bunda in Panthology Four (pdf)
Le juge et l'assassin (1976), Asher Archive
"Under Thirteen" by Simon Tryst in Panthology Four (pdf)
If ... (1968), Asher Archive
Gossenkind (1991), Asher Archive
'Silent Mischief' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Boyhood Culture' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Fellini Satyricon (1969), Asher Archive
"The Pale Black, the World Servant, and the Voice of God" by Robert Campbell in Panthology Four (pdf)
Un enfant dans la foule (1975), film review
Du er ikke alene / You are Not Alone (1978), Asher Archive
"Android" by Robert Campbell in Panthology Four (pdf)
Death in Venice (1971), film review
Special Friendships by Steven Freedman
Blue Jeans (1976), Asher Archive
Black Adder II: Bells (1986), Asher Archive
Les amitiés particulières / This Special Friendship (1964), Asher Archive
The attempted seduction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1728
Abuse (1983), film review
Abuse (1983), Asher Archive
The Asher Archive
Films depicting Greek love
"A Boy's Love and a Whore's Oath" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Chris" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Artificial Fires and Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology Three (pdf)
"One Night, One Day" by Steven Wood in Panthology Three (pdf)
Panthology Four: synopsis, review & links
"Mirage" by Daryl Waters in Panthology Three (pdf)
Sicilian Vespers and other writings by Michael Davidson, review
The likely pederastic implication of J.-L. David's Painting, The Death of Bara, by Jean-Claude Féray
"The Gremmie" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Three (pdf)
"The Age of Gold" by J. Darling in Panthology Three (pdf)
"War on Earth" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Nineteen Imitations of Abu Nowas" by Hakim in Panthology Three (pdf)
"More Mischiefs" by Ian McLaughlin in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Three Visions" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Billy" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"The Unexpected Legacy of Uncle Edward" by Keith Spence in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Anton" by Bill Underhill in Panthology Two (pdf)
Panthology Three: synopsis, review & links
"Three" by Dukahz by Casimir Dukahz in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Verses in the Manner of Strato’s Musa Puerilis" by J. Darling in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Lonely Roamer and Foolish Child" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Summer Games" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Two (pdf)
"High Doh" by Alan Edward in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Theban Patrol" by K. I. Bard in Panthology Two (pdf)
John Davenport on Norman Douglas
"Grown Up" for Thirteen by Nathaniel Pitt in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Dragonfly and Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology Two (pdf)
Letters to Norman Douglas from his old boys, 1921-47
"Dennis" by John Bishop in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Dragons" by Nathaniel Pitt in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Fishing" by Ian Anderson in Panthology Two (pdf)
"The Stake" by Alan Edward in Panthology Two (pdf)
Panthology Two: synopsis, review & links
"The Silver Pipe Cafe & Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology One (pdf)
"Casuistry and Other Mischiefs" by Ian McLaughlin in Panthology One (pdf)
Norman Douglas: a Biography by Mark Holloway
"Joey's Island" by Steven Wood in Panthology One (pdf)
"Three Temples" by Daryl Waters in Panthology One (pdf)
"The Tale of Ahmet, the Treasurer's Son" by Asger Lund in Panthology One (pdf)
"Will O' the Wisp" by Alan Edward in Panthology One (pdf)
Norman Douglas: A Biography by Mark Holloway, review
Looking Back by Norman Douglas
"Camping Out" by Steven Wood in Panthology One (pdf)
"The Black Symposium" by J. Darling in Panthology One (pdf)
Panthology One: synopsis, review & links
Stories Toto Told Me by Baron Corvo (pdf)
Male Intergenerational Intimacy edited by Theo Sandfort & co., review
Crime without Victims: Pederastic Relations, 1986
The Chronicles of the Koster Dilemma by Simon Worthy (pdf)
Interview with a judge who had been ruling on Greek love cases, Denmark, 1984
Notes on Boy-Worship by Charles Edward Hutchinson
Boy-Worship by Charles Edward Hutchinson, 1880 (pdf)
The Carniverous Lamb by Agustin Gomez-Arcos, review
The Manhood Ceremony by Ross Berliner (pdf)
My Father's Story by Robert Campbell
Un deuxième père by Jean-Dominique Bunel, review
Getting It On. Rites of Passage: Homosexual Histories of Six Heterosexual American Boys by Dr. Joseph Winchester (pdf)
Getting It On: Rites of Passage: Homosexual Histories of Six Heterosexual American Boys by Dr. Joseph Winchester, review
Homosexuality and Male Identity, Denmark, 1986
The Rotten Apple by Christopher Dilke (pdf)
Unspeakable: A Life Beyond Sexual Morality by Rachel Hope Cleves, review
Somerset Maugham's lesson on sexual naivety, 1936
Stefan: "I suspect he'll go with my little brother later", Denmark, 1986
Bibliography of Loving Boys by Edward Brongersma
Pei Yu: Boy Actress by George Soulié de Morant (pdf)
A Testimony on Pederasty in China Collected by Georges Hérelle in 1902 and 1903A Testimony on Pederasty in China Collected by Georges Hérelle in 1902 and 1903 by Jean-Claude Féray
Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch (pdf)
Interview with a Counsel for the Defence in Greek love court cases, Denmark ca. 1984
The Dream Life by Bo Huston, review
The Dream Life by Bo Huston (pdf)
Boy-love in Japan 1965-90
Sunshine Boy by Steven Adrian Freeman: Chapter II
Sunshine Boy by Steven Adrian Freeman: Chapter I
Roy by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)
Iceland, an anonymous story, 1991
Homosexuality in Greek Myth by Bernard Sergent, review
The poems of Iraj Mirza
The Boy and the Dagger by Asger Lund (pdf)
Bibliography for Parker Rossman's Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys
'Minority reports' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Klaustrophilia" by Casimir Dukahz in Panthology One (pdf)
The Third Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
The Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1900-79
'Boys for hire (easy terms)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman)
"Toy Soldiers" by Jared Bunda in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Guter Junge (2008), film review
'The A word cometh' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Scruples" by Robert Campbell in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Trumaí of Brazil, 1938
La Révolte des enfants (1992), Asher Archive
Mountain Gorillas, 1987
"Angelos" by Bob Henderson in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The Watershed of "Innocence" ' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Book of the Laws of Countries, late 2nd century AD
Greek love in mediaeval and modern Persia
"Blackmail" by Frank Turner in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'I am the love that dare not speak its name (though you howl it back at me)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Tres Flores" by Hakim Bey in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Japanese Macaques by Leca et al., 2014
Prisoner of the Infidels by Osmân Agha, 1691
'The Thumbscrews they are a-Turning' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Boy Who Cried 'Wolf!'" by Casimir Dukahz in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Social Life of Monkeys and Apes by Solomon Zuckerman, 1932
Tennessee Williams and his fifteen-year-old Ganymede, 1943
'Burnt little fingers' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Sexual Behavior of Free Ranging Rhesus Monkeys by C.R. Carpenter, 1942
"The Great Kuddly Kub Plan" by Louis Walter Woods in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Topography of Algiers by Antonio de Sosa, ca. 1580
'Amoral friendship - the vicissitudes of war' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Self-assembly boys' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Timber Thieves" by Peter de Rast in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
Evensong and Morwe Song by Charles Scott Moncrieff, 1908
'Human cats, dwarfs, imaginary friends' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Haunted Mind by Hallam Tennyson
"Dangerous Boys" by Kevin Esser in The Second Acolyte Reader (pdf)
The Second Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
Good company: a study of the Nyakyusa age-villages by Monica Wilson
'Follow Me, Boys!' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'A friend in need' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Journal of Thomas Baker, English Consul in Tripoli, 1677-85
"The Dying of the Light" by Kevin Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Teachers who are very fond ...' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The Rules of Social Gatherings by Mustafa Âli, 1599-1600
"Rodney" by Robert Campbell in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The cane in the cupboard' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Unnatural Vice in the Johannesburg Compounds, 1915, by Henry Junod
"Pericles" by Bob Henderson in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The "pseudo" boy in commercial movies' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Taormina in 1924 by Franz Schoenberner
"Cheating at School" by Steven Wood in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Footloose and fancy free' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Jealousy of the hired hand' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Pederasty amongst rhesus macaques by Edward J. Kempf, 1917
The Travels of Lord Charlemont in Greece and Turkey, 1749
"One September Day" by Kevin Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The road has many turnings' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Contemporary press reviews of Michael Davidson's The World, The Flesh and Myself, 1962
The stories of Ihara Saikaku
"A Matter of Public Morality" by Matt Lewis in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Cuckoos in the Nest' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Hindu Kush 1959 by Fosco Maraini
Our Love by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)
"Ball Games" by K. I. Bard in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Men in boys' bodies - and Vice versa' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Sons and their fathers — for better or worse' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Amethyst Encounter" by Casimir Dukahz in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
"Sandburg Buccaneers" by Keven Esser in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'The outcast who does win the boy' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Pederasty amongst monkeys by G.V. Hamilton
"Floreat Grundy" by Simon Tryst in The First Acolyte Reader (pdf)
'Bachelor fathers (it wouldn’t do to encourage it)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The Western as playground (Girls Keep Out!)' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
The First Acolyte Reader: synopsis, review & links
"A Prospect of Bliss" by John Bishop in Panthology Four (pdf)
"Sweet Sorrow" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Four (pdf)
Telo bez duse (1996), Asher Archive
Le souffle au coeur (1971), Asher Archive
Smukke dreng (1993), Asher Archive
Satyricon (1969), Asher Archive
¿Qué he hecho yo para merecer esto? (1984), Asher Archive
Public Enemy No. 1 – The Man Who Killed a Hundred Boys (2001), Asher Archive
Pianese Nunzio, 14 anni a maggio (1996), Asher Archive
Now That It's Morning (1992), Asher Archive
Montreal Main (1974), Asher Archive
Mandragora (1997), Asher Archive
Gad Beck's Jewish Boyhood in Berlin, 1932-35
'Boys on the bounding main' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The child as catastrophic friend' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Desperadoes and their fellow travelers' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"Sammy and my Bishop" by Brock Andrews in Panthology Four (pdf)
"Lower Than the Angels" by Keith Spence in Panthology Four (pdf)
Lakki – gutten som kunne fly (1992), Asher Archive
The Filipino Experience, 1982
'Kid sidekicks do have their uses' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The King of Calcutta" by Peter de Rast in Panthology Four (pdf)
'Friendly no more' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'The three loves of boyhood' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Invisible boys in period films' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
"The Book of Moth" by Jared Bunda in Panthology Four (pdf)
Le juge et l'assassin (1976), Asher Archive
"Under Thirteen" by Simon Tryst in Panthology Four (pdf)
If ... (1968), Asher Archive
Gossenkind (1991), Asher Archive
'Silent Mischief' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
'Boyhood Culture' in Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Fellini Satyricon (1969), Asher Archive
"The Pale Black, the World Servant, and the Voice of God" by Robert Campbell in Panthology Four (pdf)
Un enfant dans la foule (1975), film review
Du er ikke alene / You are Not Alone (1978), Asher Archive
"Android" by Robert Campbell in Panthology Four (pdf)
Death in Venice (1971), film review
The Asher Archive
Special Friendships by Steven Freeman
Blue Jeans (1976), Asher Archive
Black Adder II: Bells (1986), Asher Archive
Les amitiés particulières / This Special Friendship (1964), Asher Archive
The attempted seduction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 1728
Abuse (1983), film review
Abuse (1983), Asher Archive
"A Boy's Love and a Whore's Oath" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Chris" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Artificial Fires and Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology Three (pdf)
"One Night, One Day" by Steven Wood in Panthology Three (pdf)
Panthology Four: synopsis, review & links
"Mirage" by Daryl Waters in Panthology Three (pdf)
Sicilian Vespers and other writings by Michael Davidson, review
The likely pederastic implication of J.-L. David's Painting, The Death of Bara, by Jean-Claude Féray
Letters to Norman Douglas from his old boys, 1921-47
"The Gremmie" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Three (pdf)
"The Age of Gold" by J. Darling in Panthology Three (pdf)
"War on Earth" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Nineteen Imitations of Abu Nowas" by Hakim in Panthology Three (pdf)
"More Mischiefs" by Ian McLaughlin in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Three Visions" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Three (pdf)
"Billy" by Meriwether Wren in Panthology Three (pdf)
"The Unexpected Legacy of Uncle Edward" by Keith Spence in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Anton" by Bill Underhill in Panthology Two (pdf)
Panthology Three: synopsis, review & links
John Davenport on Norman Douglas
"Three" by Dukahz by Casimir Dukahz in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Verses in the Manner of Strato’s Musa Puerilis" by J. Darling in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Lonely Roamer and Foolish Child" by Louis A. Colantuono in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Summer Games" by Kevin Esser in Panthology Two (pdf)
"High Doh" by Alan Edward in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Theban Patrol" by K. I. Bard in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Grown Up" for Thirteen by Nathaniel Pitt in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Dragonfly and Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Dennis" by John Bishop in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Dragons" by Nathaniel Pitt in Panthology Two (pdf)
"Fishing" by Ian Anderson in Panthology Two (pdf)
"The Stake" by Alan Edward in Panthology Two (pdf)
Panthology Two: synopsis, review & links
"The Silver Pipe Cafe & Other Texts" by Hakim in Panthology One (pdf)
"Casuistry and Other Mischiefs" by Ian McLaughlin in Panthology One (pdf)
Norman Douglas: a Biography by Mark Holloway
"Joey's Island" by Steven Wood in Panthology One (pdf)
"Three Temples" by Daryl Waters in Panthology One (pdf)
"The Tale of Ahmet, the Treasurer's Son" by Asger Lund in Panthology One (pdf)
"Will O' the Wisp" by Alan Edward in Panthology One (pdf)
Norman Douglas: A Biography by Mark Holloway, review
Looking Back by Norman Douglas
Camping Out by Steven Wood (pdf)
The Black Symposium by J. Darling (pdf)
Panthology One: synopsis, review & links
Stories Toto Told Me by Baron Corvo (pdf)
Male Intergenerational Intimacy edited by Theo Sandfort & co., review
Crime without Victims: Pederastic Relations, 1986
The Chronicles of the Koster Dilemma by Simon Worthy (pdf)
Plutarch's The Life of Agesilaos
Interview with a judge who had been ruling on Greek love cases, Denmark, 1984
Notes on Boy-Worship by Charles Edward Hutchinson
Boy-Worship by Charles Edward Hutchinson, 1880 (pdf)
The Carniverous Lamb by Agustin Gomez-Arcos, review
Bibliography of Loving Boys by Edward Brongersma
The Manhood Ceremony by Ross Berliner (pdf)
My Father's Story by Robert Campbell
Un deuxième père by Jean-Dominique Bunel, review
Getting It On. Rites of Passage: Homosexual Histories of Six Heterosexual American Boys by Dr. Joseph Winchester (pdf)
Getting It On: Rites of Passage: Homosexual Histories of Six Heterosexual American Boys by Dr. Joseph Winchester, review
Homosexuality and Male Identity, Denmark, 1986
The Rotten Apple by Christopher Dilke (pdf)
Unspeakable: A Life Beyond Sexual Morality by Rachel Hope Cleves, review
Somerset Maugham's lesson on sexual naivety, 1936
What was Greek love?
Stefan: "I suspect he'll go with my little brother later", Denmark, 1986
Pei Yu: Boy Actress by George Soulié de Morant (pdf)
A Testimony on Pederasty in China Collected by Georges Hérelle in 1902 and 1903 by Jean-Claude Féray
A Life with Entrances and Exits by Anthony Bacon, III. I Came to Australia 1980s
Never the Same Again by Gerald Tesch (pdf)
Interview with a Counsel for the Defence in Greek love court cases, Denmark ca. 1984
The Dream Life by Bo Huston, review
Michael Davidson, 1897-1975
The Dream Life by Bo Huston (pdf)
Boy-love in Japan 1965-90
Sunshine Boy by Steven Adrian Freeman: Chapter II
Sunshine Boy by Steven Adrian Freeman: Chapter I
Roy by Roger Peyrefitte (pdf)
Iceland, an anonymous story, 1991
Homosexuality in Greek Myth by Bernard Sergent, review
The poems of Iraj Mirza
The Boy and the Dagger by Asger Lund (pdf)
Bibliography for Parker Rossman's Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys
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