Of all the countries in Europe, Albania was the one with where Greek love was most prevalent and admired in the modern era.
Ali Pasha and his sons brings together the early nineteenth-century witness accounts of the taste for Greek love of the celebrated Albanian pasha of Janina and his sons.
Boy-love in middle and northern Albania, 1854 is from the Albanesischen Studien of Austrian diplomat and explorer von Hahn, who pioneered scholarly study of the country.
On Homosexuality in Albania, 1908 is another scholarly German account of the Greek love found in Albania in the 1880s, which built on von Hahn's account above.
Albanian pederasty in 1979 is a letter that year from one who had witnessed the survival of widespread Greek love in the Albanian region of Kosovo, together with an academic article confirming it had survived in Albania proper until at least the 1950s.
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