The following is one of the sections of the fourth chapter of Dr. Parker Rossman’s Sexual Experience Between Men and Boys (originally published in 1976), entitled "Why Do They?", introduced here, and intended to explain why in general some men desire boys, though in practice limited in its evidence to what was then recent in countries with a Judaeo-Christian tradition.
Negative Motivation: Who Cares?

As one reviews the seemingly endless variety of reasons and excuses given to justify pederasty, there is a good deal of difference between men who have been arrested and those who have not. Persons whose lives have been radically altered by arrest may no longer care about their reputation and may more openly join pederast groups because they no longer have much to lose. For example, one pederast said: “My first offense was almost accidental, and I set out to make a serious effort to reform my life, which the court aided by giving me a suspended sentence. I found, however, that my career was ruined by the publicity. A felony record made it impossible for me to do the sort of work I enjoyed and was prepared for. I tried working as a salesman and failed. My probation officer wanted me to work as an elevator operator, and what I am now doing is as much a waste of my graduate school education. Since my life is over, I might as well do what I enjoy sexually. It’s all I have left. If I go to prison what would that matter? It was a mistake for me to try to reform my life. I guess I have the criminal mentality now, for I see that the only way for me to live is to be clever and not get caught.” Another one who had served a prison term said: “A friend of mine in England was arrested for a much worse offense than mine in the eyes of the courts. He was given a three months’ suspended sentence and protection from publicity, if he would go into therapy. Because I had a tax-financed education in deviant sex at a juvenile correctional school - which they called a ‘criminal record,’ I was clobbered with a long prison sentence with no help at all. The judge said I was sick, but he didn’t send me to any hospital or offer any cure. Instead he treated me like an animal. They all did. All the time I was in prison I made plans about the kids I was going to have when I got out. Working for the syndicate as I do, I have all the protection I need, and all the cute kids I want to sleep with. Society made me what I am so I might as well enjoy it!”
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