“Penis Size” is the first of the five parts of “The Experience of Maturation”, the third section of “Boys and their Sexuality”, the third chapter of Loving Boys, the encyclopaedic study of Greek love by the eminent Dutch lawyer, Edward Brongersma, of which the first volume (including this) was published by Global Academic Publishers in New York in 1986.
The Experience of Maturation
The sensational changes taking place in his body within such a short period of time – and at an age when his body is all-important – are very much on a youngster’s mind. Where children receive a more natural upbringing, this evolution from child to adult tends to be a matter of pride, cause for rejoicing. But cruelty, cowardice and ignorance on the part of those responsible for the boy’s sexual education can turn it into a hell. We will give examples of this.
For the boy, the most important organ in this evolution is, obviously, his penis – in its curious ability to change from limp to stiff, from soft to hard, and as the centre of the most delightful sensations. In a matter of only a few months it grows from a rather unimpressive appendage to a large, mobile, conspicuous organ which, even when tucked away inside his trousers, reveals its shape. As never before, it signals its owner as a sexual being, and is his advertisement. If he has been subjected to an upbringing in which sex-negative feelings, or even a horror of sex, was instilled, this signalling, this advertisement, will only bring the boy pain and embarrassment; it will render him timid and insecure. If, on the other hand, he perceives sex as something beautiful, he will be happy to have others observe his coming-of-age.

38 One day when I was still in school I was paddling around in my canoe and I came across a group of boys swimming. Most of them were rather young, 10 or 11, all wearing swim suits or slips. But one slightly older boy, perhaps fourteen, was naked. While the little boys lay in the shallow water or swam, the fourteen-year-old was constantly springing out of the water, so that his rather large penis and the small bush of hair which crowned it was always visible. He danced around, sang, let his penis dangle, and the smaller boys looked at it with interest. Then all of a sudden a boat filled with bigger boys passed by. The fourteen-year-old at once grew very quiet and made himself inconspicuous; he swam around with the others and so hid his nudity. He was no longer the best developed male in the picture, the one who had something no one else yet possessed!
Freud thought it was almost impossible to talk about “nature” without imputing intentions to it.[1] Well, nature (be it the work of an omnipotent creator, or the product of blind development from primordial matter) strives – anthropomorphically speaking – to make sex very conspicuous in the naked male body. Since man moves about upright, the genital region is more exposed to the eyes of an observer than in the other primates. Moreover, he has by far the biggest penis. Not only is it longer, but it is much thicker, too.[2] When it is flaccid it doesn’t disappear into a fold of skin: it hangs free and dangles in motion with every movement of the body as though it had a will of its own. When stimulated it grows even longer and thicker, reaches out and up from the pubis, disrupting the long lines of the body. At every step it bounces, no longer hiding the revealed sack behind and beneath.
For it is an exhibit, with its different skin colour, the heavy bush of pubic hair above it; sometimes the tip of the glans is denuded, slick and shiny with a purplish hue. When James and Veronica Elias questioned 537 women, 75% claimed that they always saw a naked man as “sexual.[3] The structure of the male body underlines its sexuality far more than does the body of a woman. It is significant that there are primitive peoples where both sexes walk about stark naked; others where the women wear clothing and the men don’t, but none in which only the men are dressed and the women remain unclothed.[4] Where nudity is permitted, man wishes to show his things. Man has something to show – and there are even tribes where they do this with outright ostentation. Men of the Massai, a pastoral people in the interior of east Africa, are racially endowed with very large penises, and they actually parade about showing them off, playing with them to attract attention as they talk.[5]

39 (Continued from 1.) One evening Onno was visiting his friend at home – as usual, naked – when a piece of classical music they were playing on the gramophone inspired him to dance. His friend liked what he saw so much that he persuaded Onno to give a little performance for some of his acquaintances. To make the show better, Onno’s lover asked a well-known ballet dancer for advice. “The boy should wear a small cache-sexe,” said the dancer. “No,” replied Onno’s friend, “I insist that he be completely naked. Hiding his genitals would be wrong. Anything he wore would only interfere with the natural lines of his body.” But the ballet-dancer persisted: “Shame isn’t what makes the dancer cover his genitals; he does it only to restrain them. A dancer must have complete control over every part of his body: all muscles, all joints. If you dance absolutely naked there is one part of your body which you cannot control, and that’s your bared sex organs. They will be moving to the rhythm of the dance but they will be doing it with a motion of their own which will focus the attention of the audience upon them: the penis and scrotum will impose their own meaning on the dance and change it.” “This is exactly what I want them to do,” replied Onno’s friend. “We want to make his performance erotically exciting.” “In that case,” said the dancer, “keep the motions of the dance themselves very simple, for if you want to involve the viewers in its sexuality, complicated steps and body movements will be distracting; they will only divert their attention. Keep everything simple; make the penis dance, bounce – fling it about freely and you’ll have an enormous success.” He did – and he had.
The fact that the penis seems to have a mind of its own can be very impressive to its owner – as though he were carrying about a part of his body that was somewhat alien. Martialis told of a slave-dealer offering him an especially handsome youth. The price was too much for Martialis’ purse and a richer man went off with the spoils. “Now my cock is secretly upbraiding me,” he wrote, “and envies this rich purchaser”.[6] Alberto Moravia holds a conversation with his own penis in his book Io e lui.[7]

40 (Continued from 39.) Whenever Onno performed he was swept by sensuous feelings. Sensing how he aroused the men in his audience, overhearing their comments about his body, his sex organs, he would find himself getting very randy, his penis swelling. Conversation in the room would stop. There was a feeling of suspense in the air, as everyone watched his penis rise in erection. The first time this happened he was disturbed. “I felt quite defenceless: not only was my nakedness at the mercy of these men, but my penis was revealing to them the state of my desire.” Then he sensed their enthusiasm, became aware of how they were complimenting him: “That’s magnificent! We love to see you like this!” The last of his timidity over the metamorphosis of his penis vanished and was replaced by feelings of pride and gladness that he could give people so much joy with his performance. “Sometimes it was as if I was exhibiting an alien object,” he said. “My naked body was just a pedestal for it.”
Many nude photos of boys give the same impression.

The penis is not only independent, it can also be obstinate and come into erection at times when its owner definitely doesn’t want it to. This headstrong tendency of the adolescent penis can make teenagers, especially boys in the throes of puberty, hesitant to visit nudist beaches and swimming pools. Whether a boy shies away from nudist exposure or participates enthusiastically in the activities at such places depends a great deal on the attitudes he has been instilled with by those surrounding him during his sexual evolution: did they ignore his developing sexuality, avoid talking about it, or were they joyously positive? For when his penis goes into erection the boy is displaying more than just his body: he is revealing the fact that he feels randy. Only a boy who has been brought up, sexually, in complete openness, will be undisturbed by this confession his penis is making and will be proud of it. In any case, if there are hesitations, it goes better with age-mates than in the presence of adults.
41 Kameneff[8] tells about his experiences with the “school in ships” he founded. They were in the Mediterranean. “Once again it is Michel, who spurns the conventional. This morning, in mid sea, he strips naked and sprawls on the deck. When he stands up his penis is stiff; he has an erection. He’s not ashamed of it; he’s happy, in fact. He looks at us and smiles. In normal society an erection is something you are ashamed of. All the others put themselves in Michel’s place; they giggle, to hide their own reticence. But Michel isn’t shy at all. He says, ‘It’s normal’.”
Boys are very much concerned with penis size. One who is a “late developer” or is naturally not very well endowed, tends to feel embarrassed and ashamed.[9] He can be reassured, however, that often the prepubertal boy with a very small penis develops a very large one later in adolescence.
42 The Australian Clarence Osborne quoted a boy by the name of Trevor: “When I was twelve my cock was so small my two older brothers used to make jokes about it.” Three years later it measured 19 centimetres![10]

43 An Austrian correspondent told of a similar case. His young friend Lutz suffered enormously from ridicule in the showers by his classmates over the small size of his penis. He was then fourteen. My correspondent procured some kind of hormone preparation for him and – whether this was the cause or not – within a year the boy had a longer and thicker penis than all his erstwhile mockers. He was so overjoyed by this development that he showed it off unabashedly, wore tight jeans through which the outline of this object of his great pride would clearly show. (It is appropriate to observe, however, at this point that hormone pills should only be used on the advice of a physician, for they can have harmful side-effects, such as prematurely halting body growth.)
Most modern sex instruction books observe that penis size is not important and has no influence upon the pleasure of the female partner. This is coming to be more and more accepted by society as a whole. When the Netherlands Institute for Social-Sexological Research (NISSO) studied 840 young males about the state of their sexual knowledge, 46.9% of the 15- to 17-year-olds agreed with the statement, “The pleasure of girls is not increased by a larger hard-on”, and 60.3% of the 18- to 21-year-old men agreed. An even greater percentage agreed with the statement, “A big hard-on has no relation whatever with virility”: 63.0% of the boys and 81.0% of the young men.[11] Research among women has shown that, in their appraisal of the male body, the penis has little or no importance in enhancing beauty or as an erotic stimulus. Women with a business interest, in fact, rather find an inverse correlation between size and pleasure. Wayland Young was told by a group of London prostitutes, “You know, young men’s pricks seem to be getting bigger and bigger. It must be the welfare State. I hate it, though, it splits me.[12]
So one is quite justified in easing the mind of an adolescent boy worried about the real or imagined small size of his penis by telling him size simply is not important. This is certainly true in heterosexual relations, but in the gay world of male homophilia it is otherwise.[13] and this world extends far beyond the 13% of males who, according to Kinsey’s statistics, engage more in homosexual than heterosexual activities. As we will see later in this chapter, nearly all boys in puberty (thus those, too, who will later in their lives be mainly active with girls) display homosexual interests. For them, at that phase of their lives, the configuration of people’s penises is very important.
Just how important this is to homophile adults can be seen in the research of Bell & Weinberg. In a list of thirteen possible desired physical attributes in sexual partners, white gay men ranked the configuration of the sexual organs in third place, after body type and face/hair/eyes.[14] Among five themes in sexual fantasy, genital anatomy ranked highest among homophile males while it was not even mentioned by heterophiles for whom change of partner was the most exciting theme.[15] Bieber found the same interest in nearly two-thirds of his homophile subjects.[16] the number of them who wished that their own penises were larger was considerably higher than among heterophiles.[17]
47% of the contact advertisements in homophile magazines contain details about the writer’s body or the desired body of the respondent (height, weight, etc.), 33% about the penis but far less about other parts of the body. The penis is praised as “exceptional”, “huge”, “super”, “thick and meaty”, “well hung”, or its length is given.[18] One of Dr. de Wind’s homophile clients boasted, “I don’t know how many metres of cock have already passed through my hands![19] In a sociological report about an American male brothel, the author mentions that among the young men working there, those with a huge penis were in especially high demand among the clients.[20]

44 (Continued from 40) When Onno was in his thirties he knew a young man in Amsterdam who travelled about all over Europe earning his livelihood by giving nude shows at homophile gatherings and so putting on display the really gigantic penis with which he had been endowed. The man found this so sexually stimulating that his penis would come fully erect spontaneously during the show.
But even heterophiles are not wholly indifferent in this respect. “Men who go to stag films always want the hero to have a penis of gigantic dimensions (…) In their unconscious identification, they are the star of the movie. They are gigantic, too.[21]
In Indian as well as Arab erotic literature penises are amply described, even divided into classes according to length and circumference.[22] And everywhere people are fascinated with records. Quite apart from the fantasies of erotic authors, we can read that the Kinsey Institute has measured a penis of 30 cm (or just under 12 inches).[23] Sutor saw in Senegal one of “nearly twelve inches in length, by a diameter exceeding 2-2.5 inches.[24] and Dickinson’s famous Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy mentions a maximum of 35 cm.[25] Charpay found the same in a 30-year-old black American. The circumference was 15.2 cm. He estimated that only one in 10,000,000 males might be as large, and one in 8,000,000 might have 30 cm. German measurements on army recruits showed that one man in 250,000 attained 25 cm and one in 5,000 19 cm.[26] Among Schangalla negroes, and also in Paraguay, the penis in young boys is systematically stretched so that when they later come to marry the mother of the bride will deem it long enough.[27] Sutor found a large-sized penis was often accompanied by very small testicles.[28]
45 On a visit to Haiti, a student there brought me to a 17-year-old boy who was considered something of a curiosity because of his “record” size penis. It measured more than 26 cm and its circumference was 15 cm. It had earned for him a lot of money: because of it he had been invited to visit Copenhagen for a few weeks to pose for photos and act in erotic movies. I asked him if girls weren’t afraid of this formidable penis but he said they weren’t.
This wasn’t the experience of one Englishman who wrote to a popular weekly for advice. He claimed that his 31 cm penis made it impossible for him to have vaginal intercourse. By the time he was 12 his penis had already been spectacularly large and at school boys and girls both were always demanding that he show it off to them. By the time he reached sixteen it had obtained its full size.
Clarence Osborne, the Australian who had relations with over 2,500 boys, confirmed the generalization that a big penis on a boy is greatly admired by his comrades. There was no school, football or beach club of any importance where competition in this area didn’t go on.[29]

46 The ambivalent feelings boys may have at such occasions are well illustrated in a novel by Campbell: “Gower was a sallow-skinned boy with slanting eyes and a dark neck, and he had the largest organ that anyone had ever seen. It was a truncheon. And it was the object of savage mockery and unexpressed admiration in about equal shares (…) The horrible fact was that Gower had several times smilingly acceded to the request from junior associates in the Upper Dormitory to exhibit his extension. There were cries of ‘Gosh!’ and ‘Ugh!’ – again in equal shares – as it spread away across the room.[30]
Clarence Osborne observed that one couldn’t deny the social advantage of owning a penis which stays big even when limp. He was impressed by many pictures of boys with extraordinarily beautiful sex organs, but he thought comparative measurements should always be made between penises in erection. Size of the same penis can vary as much as a centimetre depending upon the strength of the boy’s excitement. Osborne himself was able to measure over 500 mature and maturing erect penises along their upper sides and setup the following classification:
Short: 15 cm or less
Medium: 15.25 to 17 cm
Large: 17.25 to 18.25 cm
Very large: 19.0 to 21.25 cm
Extremely large: over 21.5 cm.
Thin: less than 12 cm Medium: 12 to 13 cm Thick: 13 to 14.75 cm Very thick: 15 cm and over.
Most of the penises he observed in erection and ejaculation were of medium size. He measured only 30 under 15 cm (excluding those of prepubertal boys) and slightly more than forty which exceeded 20 cm. Very thick ones were rare - and valued by their owners; they tended to be either rather short or, on the contrary, very long; in many of these boys the glans was also huge.[31]
In a study of 2,500 subjects, Barrington[32] found the distribution of penis sizes in erection shown in Table 1. As a generalisation only he states that black people tend to have larger penises than Caucasian males. In any case, black people are better represented in the large size categories, as can be seen in Table 2, also derived from Barrington’s data.
Table 1. Penis Size in Erection
11.5 cm to 12.7 cm 12.7 cm to 15.2 cm 15.2 cm to 17.8 cm 17.8 cm to 19.1 cm 19.1 cm to 20.3 cm 20.3 cm to 22.9 cm |
4.0% 39.6% 42.6% 9.9% 3.01% 0.02% |

It is interesting to observe, in this context, that the ancient Greeks had quite the opposite ideal of male beauty: they admired in boys the small-sized penis. We see this depicted time and again on their vase – dedicated to a beloved boy – and in statues. This preference seems to have derived from their social system and their belief that frequent use, especially in puberty, enlarged the organ. Free-born boys, then, should be chaste and of decent behaviour, thus have small penises. In the case of a slave-boy, on the other hand, a lad who had to serve the passions of his master and arouse him sexually, a large penis, as proof of his salacity, was thought desirable. Satyrs were followers of Dionysus, symbolising the luxuriousness of nature and the sexual impulse, and these legendary beings were usually depicted with huge, stiffly erected phalluses.
Table 2. Penis Size in Erection by Race
Length 100 black 300 European males |
17.8 23.0% 8.0% |
20.3 18.0% 4.0% |
22.9 11.0% 0.5% |
25.4cm 2.5% 0.0% |
But the decent boy had a small penis. Greek belief was adopted by the Romans: sexual activity advanced puberty and enlarged the organ. Juvenalis praises the uncorrupted rural youth:
47 He, a boy with an open face and frank innocence, as would befit every freeborn lad wearing the purple, his voice not husky and his testicles not yet big as a fist; who needn’t pluck the hair from his arm-pits, nor, when he goes bathing, cover timorously with a pitcher that which swells between his legs.[33]
Thus it was deemed improper for a boy-lover to play with the sex of his friend during intercourse. Martialis reproached a man who goes too far:
48 ”When you lie in bed with your naked favourite, clear-skinned Galaesus, you chafe him at his sweet kisses with your stubbly mouth. That is already bad, as everyone will agree. But let this be enough. Don’t excite with your lecherous hand his member. Your hand does more wrong to smooth-skinned boys than your penis ever will: your fingers transform them into men all too soon. Thus soon the boy is stinking like a goat, sprouting hair too quickly, surprising his mother by growing a beard, too soon. When you see him in the bath, in full light of day, he’s no longer attractive. Nature has given the boy two sides: the front to serve females, the other for men. Limit yourself to your own side.”[34]

Aristophanes said that young athletes should have a strong chest, skin, broad shoulders, a short tongue, “big buttocks and a small cock.[35] They got that way by being virtuous. In the theatre, on the other hand, comic figures often carried an enormous, thick leather phallus with a red tip – “to amuse little boys,” as this playwright put it.[36]
This same belief that manipulation will enlarge the penis can be found today in some primitive peoples, although their concept of the beautiful male member is opposite to that of the Greeks and they try to stimulate its growth in the young. As recently as 1908 the Swiss ethnologist Stoll wrote in his book The Sexual Life in the Psychology of the Nations that girls’ labia could be stretched considerably by continuous manipulation (In Hottentot girls the inner labia may be caused to protrude 14-18 cm.[37] Likewise, Stoll said, the penises of boys could be stretched in a similar way. “Those who start masturbation in early youth and continue it over the years usually have an extraordinarily long penis.” Also “frequent intercourse from an early age” would have the same result. It is certainly true that in several primitive tribes the mothers are accustomed to pulling frequently on the penises of their baby sons, hoping, by so doing, to increase its length.[38] The superstition persists among Moroccan boys that they can make their penises bigger by having intercourse with a female donkey – or perhaps that’s just their excuse for indulging in such a practice![39]
Watching boy-lovers inspecting pictures of nude boys has taught me that a vast majority of those who prefer immature boys most admire a big penis. In the words of the American poet Dennis Kelly: “You know I drool over small possessors of big possessions.[40] On the other hand, those with a preference for little, immature boys, abhor the oversize phalluses and want to see the penis small and undeveloped. The literature, however, reveals a strong bias toward the long, thick penis.
49 Jacques de Brethmas’s description of his adventures with a 14-year-old Moroccan boy may serve as an example.
“By undressing he permits me to see a cock which is permanently erect and exceeds the usual dimensions by a surprising amount. As the boy is rather small, and as, when he walks around, this huge thing arrives everywhere a quarter of an hour earlier than himself, he resembles a hoisting crane carried along with its lever (…) The thing swings slightly, horizontally, with the movements and the step of its owner, bouncing elastically like a diving-board just after the diver has jumped. I cannot resist taking its dimensions. As soon as the boy sees me approach with the tape measure he starts rubbing it so it will grow to its maximum length. Nineteen centimeters, cross-section 45 millimetres, which yields a circumference of 13.5 cm. (…) All in all the boy seems rather uneasy about this fifth limb, which is carried in front of him like an illness. Moreover he is so thin that one is surprised he doesn’t topple over with this thing of his so wildly out of plumb (…) Seeing that this amuses me, Norredin climbs out of the bathtub to put on a show. He sits down on the floor at the side of the tub, encircles his thighs with his arms, bends his body forward and, without any special effort, takes the glans of his penis in his mouth. Now I am jealous, for he is realising what I have always dreamed of and will never succeed in doing."[41]
It must be pointed out that the extensibility of the penis varies greatly among different boys. With some, erection results in hardly any increase in length. Often, however, one finds that when a boy strips naked a rather small penis is revealed, only to grow substantially under excitement. Organs which stay very long in the flaccid state often have trouble coming to full erection, attaining this state only seldom or never and normally achieving only a half-hard condition.
Continue to The Experience of Maturation: Erections
[1] Freud, S., Drei Abhandlungen zur Sexualtheorie. Frankfurt a.M.: Fischer, 1920, 58. [Author’s reference]
[2] Morris, D., The Naked Ape. London: Corgi Books, 1967, 71. [Author’s reference]
[3] Elias, J. & V., Dimensions of Masculinity and Female Reactions to Male Nudity. In: Cook & Wilson (Ed.), Love and Attraction. Oxford: Pergamon, 1979, 479. [Author’s reference]
[4] Ford, C. S. & Beach, F. A., Formen der Sexualität. Berlin: Rowohlt, 1968, 102 & 122 [Author’s reference]. There is surely a much more obvious reason for this than that “man wishes to show his things”. Men are much more visual than women in what arouses them sexually and therefore more likely to be excited by seeing the other sex naked. Female nudity is therefore more of an incitement to promiscuity, which would tend to make paternity unknown and fatherhood impossible in practice [Website footnote].
[5] Ellis, H., Studies in the Psychology of Sex. Philadelphia: David, 1913, I-16. [Author’s reference]
[6] Martialis, M. V., Oeuvres complètes, Paris: Garnier, [1885] I 58 [Author’s reference].
[7] Alberto Moravia, Io e lui (Me and Him), Milano: Bompiani, 1971 [Author’s reference].
[8] Kameneff, L., Ecoliers sans tablier. Paris: Simoën, 1979, 30. [Author’s reference]
[9] West, D., Homosexuality Re-Examined. London: Duckworth, 1977, 66. [Author’s reference]
[10] It is not clear which of four works by Clarence Osborne published by: COQ in Holbæk in 1977 and listed in the author’s bibliography. In any case, the reference is to vol. I, p. 36. [Author’s reference]
[11] NISSO, Onderzoek jeugd en sex. Eerste bericht. Zeist: NISSO, 1973, 24. [Author’s reference]
[12] Young, W., Prostitution. In: Gagnon & Simon (Eds.), Sexual Deviance. New York: Harper & Row, 1967, p. 112. [Author’s reference]
[13] Duvert, T., L’enfant au masculin. Paris: Editions de Minuit, 1980, 140. [Author’s reference]
[14] Bell, A. P. & Weinberg, M. S., Homosexualities - A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. London: Mitchell Beazley, 1978, 312. [Author’s reference]
[15] Masters, W. H. & Johnson, V. E., Homoseksualiteit. Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1980, 186. [Author’s reference]
[16] Bieber. I et al, Homosexuality–a Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals. New York: Vintage Books, 1962, 229, 231, 251-252, 344. [Author’s reference]
[17] Bieber. I et al, Homosexuality–a Psychoanalytic Study of Male Homosexuals. New York: Vintage Books, 1962, 180, 228, 231, 336. [Author’s reference]
[18] Lumby, M. E., Men Who Advertise for Sex. Journal of Homosexuality 4, 1: 63-72, 1978, 67. Hennig, J.-L., Thomas, 30 ans: Bruno, 15 ans: le nouveau couple zig-zag. Recherches 37: 137-166, 1979, 199 [Author’s reference]
[19] de Wind, 1967, 56 [Author’s reference, though the only book by a man of his name in the author’s bibliography is “Wind, E. de, Variatie of perversie. 17. ‘s-Gravenhage: NVSH, 1969.”]
[20] Pittman, D. J., The Male House of Prostitution. Trans-Action 8, 5/6: 2 1-27, 1971. [Author’s reference]
[21] Friday, N., Men in Love. New York: Dell, 1981, 326. [Author’s reference]
[22] Schmidt 1922, 121-129; Tifâchi, A. Al, Les délices des cœurs, Paris: Martineau, 1977, p. 278. [Author’s references, but it is not clear which of two books by R. Schmidt listed in his bibliographer the author is referring to]
[23] Simons, G. L., Het grote seksuele records boek. Amsterdam: Triton, 1977, 43. [Author’s reference]
[24] Sutor, J. (Docteur Jacobus X.), The Erogenous Zones of the World, by a French Army Surgeon. New York: Book Awards, 1964, 300. [Author’s reference]
[25] Dickinson. R. L., Human Sex Anatomy. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1949, fig 113. [Author’s reference]
[26] Barrington, J. S., Sexual Alternatives for Men. London: Alternative Publishing, 1981, 167. [Author’s reference]
[27] Ploss, H., Das Kind in Brauch und Sitte der Völker. Leipzig: Grieben, 1884. II 154. [Author’s reference]
[28] Sutor, J. (Docteur Jacobus X.), The Erogenous Zones of the World, by a French Army Surgeon. New York: Book Awards, 1964, 142. [Author’s reference]
[29] Osborne, C., 1977, 111-4 [Author’s reference, but it is far from clear to which work by Osborne in his bibliography he might be referring. The obvious one, The Man They Called a Monster by P. Wilson, was published in 1981]
[30] Campbell, M., Lord Dismiss Us. London: Book Club, 1967, 19. [Author’s reference]
[31] Osborne, C., 1977, 111-4 [Author’s reference, but it is far from clear to which work by Osborne in his bibliography he might be referring. The obvious one, The Man They Called a Monster by P. Wilson, was published in 1981]
[32] Barrington, J. S., Sexual Alternatives for Men. London: Alternative Publishing, 1981, 86, 166-167. [Author’s reference]
[33] Juvenalis, D. J., Oeuvres complètes, Paris: Garniera, XI 154-158. [Author’s reference]
[34] Martialis, M. V., Oeuvres complètes, Paris: Garnier, XI 22. [Author’s reference]
[35] Beurdeley, C., Beau petit ami. Fribourg: Office du Livre, 1977, 22. [Author’s reference]
[36] Buffière, F., Eros adolescent–La pédérastie dans la Grèce antique. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980, 1128. [Author’s reference]
[37] Moll, A., Handbuch der Sexualwissenschaften. Leipzig: Vogel, 1921, 245. [Author’s reference]
[38] Stoll, O., Das Geschlechtsleben in der Völkerpsychologie. Leipzig: Veit, 1908, 548. [Author’s reference]
[39] Davidson, M., The World, the Flesh and Myself. Washington: Guild Press, 1962, 185. [Author’s reference]
[40] Kelly, D., Size Queen and Other Poems. San Francisco: Gay Sunshine, 1981, 42. [Author’s reference]
[41] Brethmas, J. de, Traité de chasse au minet. Paris: Perchoir, 1979, 54. [Author’s reference]
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