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Moving Picture



Skygennes dal

Original film poster
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Title: Skyggenes dal
English title: Valley of Shadows
Year of Release: 2017
Director: Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen
Country of Production: Norway
Principal Boy Actors: Adam Ekeli (Aslek), Lennard Salamon (as Aslek's older friend Lasse)
Genre: Mystery, Drama
Length: 1 hr 31 min
Language: Norwegian
Availability: Official blu-ray release
English subtitles: Available on blu-ray

Between the sea and the mountains in a small Norwegian village, six-year-old Aslak lives with his mother Astrid. When local farmers' sheep begin to be killed during the night, Aslak's best friend Lasse is convinced that it is the work of a werewolf who lives in the forest. When Aslek's dog Rapp goes missing in the forest, Aslek decides, despite his fears, to enter the forest in search of him.

A film that deals with people's irrational fears, one of the many things I find interesting about it is the close friendship between Aslek and Lasse, the latter about 13, a friendship of which Aslek's mother disapproves, because of the difference in the two boy's ages.

Some of the themes of this film were developed from a 2009 short film by the same director entitled Darek.

Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen left is the director of Skyggenes dal. Here with the actors Adam Ekeli centre and John Olav Nilsen right photo John Berge
Director  Jonas Matzow Gulbrandsen (left), with Adam Ekeli (centre), who plays Aslek, and John Olav Nilsen, who plays the Stranger, in front of film poster. (Photo by John Berge.)












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