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Moving Picture



Angels Are Made of Light film poster
Film poster


Title: Angels Are Made of Light
Year of Release: 2018
Director: James Longley
Genre: Documentary
Country of Production: Multiple countries of production
Length: 1:57
Language: Dari
Availability: the director has made the film freely available to view on Youtube, here.
Subtitles: the film is presented with hardsubbed English subtitles

The camera follows a group of schoolboys attending the Daqiqi Balkhi School in Kabul, as they describe their lives in the narration.

What makes the director James Longley such a great documentary filmmaker is his ability to allow the subjects of his documentaries to speak with their own voices (rather than seeing everything through a lens of western ideology), combined with an eye for the visually beautiful and arresting shot. Longley's 2006 documentary about Iraq, Iraq in Fragments, was divided into three equal seqments, following three stories, in the Iraqi capital, in the Shia dominated south, and in the Kurdish north, respectively; and in the first and third of these segments, he told his story through the eyes of boys, as he does in this film.

Note: The title of the film derives from a moslem hadith, in which it is reported that the Prophet explained that angels were made of light, jinn were made from fire, and man was made from clay. In the film, we see the teacher explaining the first of these points to his pupils.

(Clicking on an image will open the full size screenshot in a new tab.)

Angels 01   Angels 02

Angels 03   Angels 04

Angels 05   Angels 06

Angels 07   Angels 08

Angels 09   Angels 10

Angels 11   Angels 12

Angels 13   Angels 14

Angels 15   Angels 16

Angels 17   Angels 18

Angels 19   Angels 20

Angels 21   Angels 22

Angels 23   Angels 24

Angels 25   Angels 26

Angels 27   Angels 28

Angels 29   Angels 30

Angels 31   Angels 32

Angels 33   Angels 34

Angels 35   Angels 36

Angels 37


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