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three pairs of lovers with space



The Asher Archive is a huge archive about children in film, and probably the greatest single accomplishment of the English writer and artist Steven Adrian Freeman (2 November 1954 – 5 January 2021). What it consists of and how to use it were both explained by Steven in detail in separate documents linked below, so need not be repeated here.

The archive was founded in 1988 as the Stichting Kind op Film in Hoogeveen in the Netherlands (where Steven was then living), initially funded by a grant from Pauluskerk, Rotterdam. He renamed it the Asher Archive in 1988 after the middle name of his closest friend who had recently died. As the document What is the Asher Archive? makes clear, it was an extremely ambitious project, not only in its intended comprehensive coverage of its subject, but in the manner it intended to operate, but though what it did in the end cover is an extraordinary achievement for one man, it sadly never realised its greater ambitions and remained a private project. Steven continued working hard at it in London until at least 2004, but thereafter seems to have been diverted in his activities.

A few documents presented here are definitely the most up-to-date versions that ever existed, dating from no earlier than 2004, and in any case still the latest versions in 2010, by when Steven had certainly stopped working on them. However, most of the extant archive is as it was sent to a friend in 2003. Hence the many additions made to the archive over the ensuing year are tragically lost and this also results in some discrepancies between what some documents say is included and what really survives. A few of the thus redundant documents are here being ignored.

Steven Smith (as Freeman was then called) in 1966

The Asher Archive has nothing directly to do with Greek love, since it covers girls as well as boys and is concerned with every topic of cinema. For this reason, almost all the archive’s contents are not listed on the website’s menu, and the linked list of contents below should be regarded as the gateway to it and its own special menu.

Nevertheless, there are notable exceptions, and, as an exclusive boysexual, Steven wrote with even more than his usual knowledge and perceptiveness on subjects related to Greek love. Those few of the films and articles about topics that are of Greek love interest appear on the website’s menu.


List of contents

What is the Asher Archive?
Guidance on using the Asher Archive.
Résumé of Steven Adrian Freeman.
Films: alphabetical listing.
Subjects, definition of.
Subjects: films listed by.
Biographies of boy actors.
Biographies of girl actresses.
Still photographs.
Index of stills. This is the most up-to-date version and refers to some stills that are lost. The number of extant stills can be found with links in the listings of films and actors.




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